Prologue (Part 2)

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???: I'm Stewie Griffin! And I'm serving as the Ultimate Technician. No one messes with me.

Stewie Griffin - Ultimate Technician

Show - Family Guy

Gender - Male

Home - Quahog

Likes - Guns, Armory

Dislikes - Betrayal, Broccoli

Intelligence [9]

Friendliness [5]

Strength [3]

Patience [6]

Spongebob: Eh?

Spongebob: How did you get here?

Stewie: I don't know. I was in my house, watching TV, and then I was here.

Spongebob: You mean you just woke up here?

Stewie: Yeah. Luckily I found myself with my trusty ray gun! With this bad boy, I can blast my victims and vaporize them in seconds!

Spongebob: V-vaporize!?

Stewie: Yup! You can even see their blood flowing around!

Spongebob was worried after Stewie said that.

Stewie: Wow, you just turned blue. I suppose that vaporizing talk made you look pale.

Spongebob: (That wouldn't been the first time...)

Spongebob: A-anyways... H-how did you become an Ultimate Technician? I mean you are an infant, right?

Stewie: Quite right! I was already the Ultimate Technician when I escaped from my mother's wrenched womb!

Spongebob: R-really?!

Stewie: That's right! I was already preparing for world domination inside her womb and I even left a ticking time bomb in there! Happy 50th birthday, Lois!

Spongebob: (I-... This kid... is crazy! Even Plankton is more reasonable than him!)

Spongebob: How much...? Did it take to build?

Stewie: Are you asking how long did I manage to build my inventions and weaponry?

Spongebob: O-of course!

Stewie: Oh just a couple of days.

Spongebob: Couple of d-days?!

Stewie: I was really busy.

Spongebob: Busy doing what?

Stewie: Building, testing, calibrating, and then destroying.

Spongebob: Destroying what?

Stewie: My enemies!

Spongebob: And how many people... suffered?

Stewie: Hm... hundreds of thousands?

Spongebob: (That could be the w-whole population of a city!)

Stewie: Whoop! Looks like time is running fast! I must keep looking for escape routes. See you later, Spongebob.

Stewie left in a hurry. Spongebob walked while trying to ignore what Stewie said.

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