Chapter 2 - Deadly Life [Investigation]

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[Chapter 2 - When two gals started a girl fight] [Deadly Life]

[Chapter 2 - When two gals started a girl fight] [Deadly Life]

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Spongebob: ...

Stewie: ...

Spongebob and Stewie were both horrified by the scene they saw. Girlfriend... dead on the induction oven. Blood messed up her too and the multiple stab wounds were visible. Stewie fell from Spongebob's head.

Stewie: O-ow...

Spongebob: A-


Spongebob's mental state didn't handle the sight. He screamed almost like an earthquake. Stewie had to cover his ears from screaming.

Stewie: G-gaaah! D-Did my morning have to be so painful!?

Spongebob's breath was uncontrollable.

Spongebob: H-how... How could this... have happened...?

Stewie started to stand up and look at the body again. His mood was getting more serious.

Stewie: Motherfucker...

Spongebob: (breathing uncontrollably) Haa, haa... urgh!

Stewie slapped Spongebob's face.

Stewie: Spongebob! Control yourself! We have a freaking body here!

Spongebob: Ow...

Stewie: Do you know what this means?!

Spongebob calmed down a bit after Stewie's serious tone.

Spongebob: What?

Stewie: That means it's happening again! The one thing that we dreaded never to happen!

Spongebob realized what happened last time and it came back to him.

Spongebob: Y-you don't mean-?

Stewie: Vacation Trial! The life and death trial that will execute either the killer or all of us! So you better snap out from your misery and try to focus, becuz otherwise we're fucking dead!

Spongebob took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He knew that Stewie was right, and they needed to figure out what was going on.

Just at that moment, Izzy jumped into the Kitchen while Marge stepped right behind her.

Izzy: (prideful) HA! I got here first!

Marge: This was not a race, Izzy. We came here to see what the scream was abo-

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