Chapter 1 - Deadly Life [Investigation]

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Chapter 1 - The ice always has its cracks [Deadly Life] [Begins!]

Chapter 1 - The ice always has its cracks [Deadly Life] [Begins!]

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Spongebob: ...

Marge: ...

Larry: ...

White Impostor: ...

Skid and Pump: ...

Spongebob: W-what...?

Everyone stared at Alex's dead body. It was an inevitable sight. Their minds raced to think what they saw.

Larry: A-alex?

*Ding Dong, Bing Bong!*

Monocrow: "Hello comrades, we have a special announcement to make!"

Parallel Larry: "A body has been discovered! Heck yeah!!!"

Monocrow: "That's right. Go to the Restaurant's Kitchen to find the body. After a certain amount of time. The Vacation Trial will begin."


Skid: W-what was that...?

White Impostor: That was the body discovery announcement. The rules said if 3 or more innocent people found the body, it would ring.

Spongebob: D-does that mean?

White Impostor: That's right. Alex is dead. And the culprit is here on this island.

Spongebob: N-no...

Larry: N-no... Alex?


Marge: No, no, NO!!!

Larry rushed to Alex's dead body, trying to wake her up, but to no avail. Marge covered her eyes from tears. Skid and Pump hugged each other from fear, White Impostor was looking around the Kitchen. And Spongebob?

He was staring; shock on his face. The room was silent.

Suddenly a loud footstep came to the Kitchen. Woody entered in.

Woody: I heard the announcement! What is-

Woody looked at Alex's dead body.

Woody: ...You've got to be kidding me...

Woody's eyes widened in horror as he realized the gravity of the situation. He saw Larry weeping on Alex's shoulders. Woody then grabbed Larry from the shell and started to drag him away from the body.

Larry: W-w-Woody?! W-what are-

Woody: Sorry, Larry. But we can't let you tamper with possible evidence because you are devastated.

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