Misty Red

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything, just the plot of this story and some added characters. Anything that's related to the real life which was in this story is only coincidental, all the contains is base on the author's imagination.

Warning: Contain violence and harsh words not suitable for children under 12 years and below.


The sound of the gun firing was heard in the race track, saying its time to run.

I sprint up, running as fast as I could, trying to pass by the other runners that were fast and really bigger than me. Luckily I did, passing three more runners till I passed all of them, making me on the lead. The crowd started cheering so loud I had the courage to finish this race.

I can see the finish line, so I pick up more speed that I could and got to the finish line before the others could.

I sat on the ground, raising my hands up high as the crowd cheers for my victory. The other runners clapped for my victory as they rose me up the air, cheering my name.

"Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!" Were echoing in my ear.

The players put me down gently, giving me a handshake and a "Congrats." From each of them. "Thanks." Was my nice reply as I still pant from the running I did.

"Hiccup!" I heard familiar voices calling. I look around seeing my friends Elsa, Anna, Merida, Jack, and Rapunzel. Their faces were beaming at me as they greet me with a tight warm hug.

"You did I bro!" Jack said giving me a handshake. "Congratulations Hicc! You finally got your goal!" Said Punzie excitedly. A large grin stretch in my lips hearing the nice comments my best friends told me.

"We should celebrate! This win deserves Pizza!" Said Elsa. "Yeah!" They all cheered as I chuckle on their excitement.

By the way, my name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. I know, its such a stupid name, but who cares right? I'm usually called as Hicc or Third.

And what just happened was epic! I won my very first race track event of the year! The biggest dream I have been dreaming of, and it came true!

We walk our way down the hallway, singing a song of victory we always sing during one of us accomplished something good. We exit the building, heading to the gates where I saw a boy, wearing a blue hoodie with a skateboard, his arms crossed over his chest with a depressed look on his face.

"Hiro?" I called. The boy heard me and look at the direction where I was an his face lit up. "Third!" He called waving his hand up. I ran towards him, and we gave each Luther our fist pump. "Why are you here? Why didn't out get inside?" I ask him. "You missed the scene I won."

"That's what I'm really depressed of, because the guard won't let me in!" Hiro snapped. "And now I missed your race!"

"Don't worry, I have it all covered up." Said Anna raising her camera and giving it to Hiro. " I have recorded the whole scene of it." She said smiling sweetly. "Awesome! Thanks Anna." Hiro said taking the camera from her.

"So, are we still up for the pizza?" Asked Jack with a smile. "Of course!" I said and we headed to the parking lot, where Jack's car was. We first took a picture and rode our way to Pizza Planet.


"Victory!" We all cheered as we raised our glasses of juice up in the air.

"Now we already have the champion of the group." Said Merida as she drank her glass of orange juice.

"So Hiccup, this is your last year in 4th year high school, where do you wanna go to college?" Asked Elsa putting her glass down.

Oh right, its almost graduation, I wonder where I will enter college? "I don't know yet, but if where Hiro wanna go, I will go too." I replied as I took a slice of pizza from the tray.

"You twins sure did stick to your plan on going to the same college." Said Punzie, while pointing at me and Hiro.

Hiro and I look at each other and just shrug our shoulders.

"So Hiccup, change topic, do you still have nightmares about the girl you said?" Asked Elsa. I look at her with a surprised expression as she brought up the question.

I clears my throat, putting my pizza down as I gave a sigh. "Yeah, I did, and its the 7th night since it started haunting me." I replied now in a serious tone.

"My mom said, that if a dream had been haunting you for days or weeks, means that its a sign." Said Anna. "What kind of sign?" I asked her.

"I don't know, but it depends on the dream you have." Replied Elsa while shrugging her shoulders.

Its been a week, since I have dreamt about a girl, with blood red eyes, looking at me with her ashy blonde hair covered with blood, holding a gun and a knife on the other, with her lips curved into a grin, showing her pointy teeth. She was just standing while staring at me, as blood was dropping from her knife and lips.

Its kind of weird, but its what I can see, and you cannot even see her face clearly, because its covered with her fringes.

"Earth to Hiccup?" Hiro snapped his fingers in front of me. "Oh, sorry, what?" I said as I shake my thoughts back in reality.

"You okay bro?" Hiro asked me. "I'm fine." I replied smiling and returned to eating, trying to ignore the thoughts of the bloody girl.


Hello readers! I'm back! With another story, which was the combinations of my old vampire stories which I deleted, if you wanna know what they are, the lists are here:

Between Twilight and Dawn
Reign of the Eclipse
Gothic Doll
And Wonderland (which was my classic tale in a twist.)

I made this story to return my accidentally deleted stories back.

Well thank you by the way for reading this:)

Bye for now!

Misty Red (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now