Chapter 34: Feather Fight

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Heather's P.O.V.

"Let me show you." Red said. An evil smirk on her lips.

She lowered her head, and suddenly, her fringes went bloody red, she rose her head, showing a pair of blue eyes no more, they were blood red, just what I have read in the books, about the powerful goddess of evil, the daughter of Hades, the god of underworld.

I didn't expect that Red was that girl. And I never would've guessed!

I gasped, seeing those red eyes looking at me, like it was gonna eat me alive.

"What's wrong my friend? Like you seen something?" She asked cooing like a kid at me.

"D-did Hiccup knew this?" I asked.

Its impossible! How come Hiccup have fallen in love with this devil?? Or she just casted a spell on Hiccup so that the boy will fall in love with her?

Red took a foot step forward, but I backed away. I can't get near her, if I will, there's something going to happen, and I don't want to know what it is.

"What? Scared of seeing a devil this close to you?" She asked teasingly, which made my blood boil.

"Don't insult me!" I yelled. She pouted like a kid. "Why are you yelling at me? I just wanted to play." She cooed again.

Ugh! Stop the crazy thing!

Red then grin wider, like she just read my mind and got happy that I'm pissed.

Wait...oh crap! She can read my mind! Devils can do that, but angels can't! Oh gods!

"You have no business to know how Hiccup have loved me." She said, still grinning like an idiot.

"So, Heather, why'd you transfer here? Uncle Zeus wanted you to spy over me and my sister?" She asked.

She had a sister? How'd I never knew that??!

"Zeus sent you to spy at me, to make sure that the curse will be done??!" She asked angrily at me, her teeth were gritted together, her hands were clenched into fists.

"Yes, so?" I snapped.



"Ow..." I groaned, as I held my head. It hurts a lot.

Who wouldn't be feeling hurt when your being ounhed my the head??!

I look at Red, who had her wings spread in anger, her eyes were like swords at me, as her fists were smoking.

"H-how dare you?!" I growled. I then stand up, running towards her, hitting her with my fist, but she just smoothly dodge it away, and returned her fist at me, hitting me on my stomach, sending me flying.

Wow...I didn't know that devils are so strong.

I can't even handle one, especially when she's the princess! I'm doomed!

But I won't give up that easily. I then used my wings to give me speed, as I hit her with my fist again. Red was hit on her jaw, but that didn't gave her any sign of hurt.

I was shocked, that she was grinning. "Bad move, angel." Red whispered to my ear, suddenly she grab my hand, and squeeze it, making me scream in pain.

I then kick her, making her back away two steps.

I got it!

I then flap my wings, making float my way to the ceiling, and fell right back on the ground with my foot ready to kick her.

I kicked Red on her stomach, which made her fell on the ground on a sitting position. Suddenly, a girl with raven black hair went beside her. But Red just shove her away, and turn back to her feet.

"You want a serious fight eh? Well...I'll give it to you." She said, like there's no sign of tiredness on her voice.

"You made the wrong decision my dear...and you'll pay for it.."

Third person's P.O.V.

Astrid spread her wings wide, that the walls had cracks on them, on how big and razor share her feathers were.

Astrid then grew a rose from her hand, and it tied Heather by her hand, Astrid then flapped her wings, and flew out the now open ceiling, dragging the angel with her.

Astrid and Heather found themselves by the ocean, away from the city and people that might see them.

Astrid released Heather, who had attacked the blonde devil with a white energy, coming from her own fists.

Astrid glared at her, using her magic, she created a dark ball of energy, sending it flying to Heather, making the poor angel tumbling in the air like a paper.

Heather turn to the evil princess, and was about to attack, but Astrid stopped her, by saying "I'll male a deal with you Heather, you won't tell Hiccup about the curse, and I'll spare your shitty feathery life? Or I'll crush you into bits for being such a brat?"

"I won't listen to your rants devil." Hissed the angel, and attacked the devil again with her fist.

The two winged girls were punching, kicking, and attacking themselves with energy balls, until the ocean was starting to move uneasily on how strong the energy they are releasing to each other.

Heather was all bruised, while Astrid only got a cut by her head, when Heather hit her with her shoe, but that didn't make the two girls stop from fighting.


As the two girls were fighting, Gogo was rushing to look for Hiccup in the now crowded grounds of the school.

She shove away people who greeted her, and found Hiccup with Hiro and Tadashi, walking down the field.

"Hiccup! Hiccup! Thank corpse I found you!" Gogo sighed in relief.

"Gogo? What's wrong? And where's Astrid?" The brown haired boy asked.

"That's why I'm looking for you." Gogo said, grabbing the boy's hand, and run away, leaving Hiro, who was carrying baby Jared and Tadashi behind.

"Gogo wait, what's going on?" Hiccup asked worriedly and confused.

"Its Astrid, she had a fight with Heather!" Replied Gogo.

"What?! Where are they??" The boy asked while shrieking in surprise.

"At the ocean, they're killing themselves just because of you!" Replied Gogo.

Gogo know that she shouldn't have told the reason why, but its the only way for Hiccup to know what was going on.

"What?! Oh no this is not good, we have to go get them." Hiccup said.

Gogo nodded and headed to the back of the school, and spread her wings wide, Hiccup then held onto Gogo as they flew as fast as lighting to the palace where they saw the water was going furious, making uneasy waves, as two girls were fighting at each other.

"Oh no..." Hiccup said worriedly.

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