Chapter 22: Phone Call

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"This is...crazy." I told myself as I started twisting and turning on my bed, as I ruffled my hair in frustration.

It can't be! Agr! This is really bad!

I can't fall in love with an evil! This is a huge mess if you tell me. Astrid and I? No way! It can't! It just can't.

But the way we kissed...its like were connected to each everything is perfect, no not really perfect, just right.

But...ugh! I hate my life a lot!

I look at the time, and its already 9:00 and I'm still awake! I have to be early tomorrow for try outs for varsity.

"Please let me sleep..." I told myself while burying my face on my pillow.

Ring! Ring!

My phone suddenly rang, I grab it from my side table and answered the call without even knowing who was calling.

"Hello?" I asked tiredly.

(Oh, did I wake you up Hicc?) A familiar voice asked.

"Jack?" I asked, as I sit up straight.

(Its me alright! So, how are you now buddy?)

"I'm alright though, except something." I replied.

(Ooh! I want to know that something, care to share?) Asked Jack in an exciting tone.

"Well...there's this girl.." I said, scratching the back of my neck.

(A girl? You really have changed in there Hiccup!) Jack said with a laugh.

I roll my eyes, "I'm not done yet, SL yeah, a girl, she was, mean, very, sometimes nice, innocent looking, really full of everyone, especially me, we turned out to be partners on everything, since were seatmates, and...I don't know, every time she's with me, she turns bright,fun, jolly, and all, she's really passionate, and there's this thing, that happened back in school earlier, that...was really an accident..."

(Wait, let me kissed?) Jack asked.

"Uh...yeah, but it was an accident." I said.

(Okay, then?)

"Well, after everything this day, I went home, and...she came to visit, we talked about something, and until I didn't realised that...we done the kiss again, not once, but twice." I replied, biting my lip.

I still can feel Astrid's lips with mine, soft, moist...Gah! What am I thinking?! Hiccup your getting crazy!

(Dude, you know already what that is.) Jack said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked him.

(You love her!) Said Jack happily.

I can see him jumping up and down right now.

"Ugh! Your not helping." I groaned.

(Sorry dude, and I have to go now, cause I still have to study.) Said Jack.

"Okay, see you soon man." I said nodding.

Jack hung up. I laid my phone on my side table, as I lay down, staring at the ceiling again.

"What spell have you casted on me?" I asked myself quietly.

I twist and turn myself one last time, until I gave up, standing up from my bed, and went to get a hoodie jacket.

I put it on and put on some jeans, I wore my hood over my head and went to my balcony, I look around, if someone was awake, and when the coast was clear, I jumped off my balcony, landing on the arched palm tree just below my balcony, and headed to the gate.

When I saw the gate was locked, I climbed up the metal grills, and landed on the ground with both my feet, and I ran away from my house, till I reached the gate of the subdivision, where no one was guarding it.

I then went to ride a mobile bus, to town. Where I saw it was so light up during the night.

I stopped by the school, where no one is guarding too, so I can get inside, I went to the garden, where I see the arch of roses, open.

I ran to it quickly, and I appeared in front of Astrid's mansion.

The dead people were all awake though, but they are not a problem to me now, cause they already know who I am. I pass by them, and headed inside, being greeted by the butler, Cion (read as Chi-on).

"Good evening sir Hiccup."

"Good evening Cion, is princess Astrid still awake?" I said.

"The princesses are not here, they have gone to stroll out the city, but will be back after a few minutes." Replied Cion in his British accent.

"Okay, I will just wait, and stroll around the mansion." I said.

Cion gave me a nod, his black eyes glowing in loyalty, and he left, marching back inside.

I went to the rose garden, watering them, since I haven't watered them today, cause Astrid gave me a day off.

These flowers have been my favorites here in the mansion, Astrid use to tell me on how roses helps her and her sister become strong. The roses have been the source of their energy, without them, they will be nothing in this world.

I look around, the colors of red and purple coloured blooms, especially the red ones, they have diamonds on the center.

After watering the flowers, I headed to the place where only Astrid and I can enter.

The cove was not really that dark, the dragons were now asleep, some were still awake, but they just greet me with their smiling faces.

I went to the cave where Toothless was. I saw him playing with a little white rabbit.

"Hey bud!" I called. Toothless look up and he showed his gummy smile, while running towards me.

"How are you? Miss me?" I asked while scratching his chin. Toothless gave me a nod, like he understands me. Which he was.

He then gave me a puzzled look.

"Well, I'm here to visit Astrid, since she's not here, so I stroll around, visiting you guys." I explained to the scally black reptile.

"Bud, I have a secret, but don't tell anyone okay? Especially Astrid." I said whispering to him.

Toothless nooded his head excitedly. "I think...okay, I know this is crazy, but...I have a crush on Astrid, wait, no...its not crush, I like her...wait, its more than like...I loved her bud."

Toothless' eyes widens, like he was surprised to hear that.

"Don't tell her okay?" I said. Toothless gave me a gummy smile, but I find it naughty than nice.

"Is that what I hear even true?"

Holy mother of Thor!

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