Chapter 13: Your eyes of a Devil

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I followed Astrid all the way to our classroom, she didn't said anything, like she always do, well, I'm not even sure if she's always quiet, but I know that something is up. Like I can sense she's mad at me?

So I reached out for her shoulder, and was about to hold her, but I saw her aura glowing bright black. Wait, is it me? Or she had something black glowing around her?

"Don't even dare to touch me." I heard her warn me.

I pull back my hand and just placed it in my pockets, sighing.

"Hey, um...did I say something you don't like?" I asked her, were still walking though, and students were watching us.

I'm aware of that though, but who cares? Astrid is mad at me, and for sure I'm dead after this day. I'm already flying around the world as a ghost.

Astrid didn't reply, instead, she's just quiet, until we are now near the classroom, that's when Astrid grab my hand, lacing her fingers with mine. My cheeks heat up, feeling her warm, soft hands.

"Let's go." She said in no emotion, and e walked inside the classroom, where we saw the students were talking, laughing, and even throwing paper balls at everyone.

One big paper ball was coming towards us, I was about to duck, but Astrid just caught it with one swift hand. Her eyes narrowed into a glare, trying to find who threw it.

Everyone went quiet when they saw Astrid's expression while holding the big ball of paper.

I tried to follow whshe was glaring, and figured out it was towards our classmate Gustave.

Gustave was just smiling in a teasing way at her, like he didn't care.

How come he cared? He didn't know what Astrid really is! And for sure, Astrid is now planning for his death.

I look at Astrid, her eyes slowly growing red.

Okay, this is not a very good sign. I then step in front of Astrid, hiding her from behind me.

"Okay guys, I think this is enough." I said to everyone. "And Gustave, you might wanna be careful next time, you know Ast-I-I mean Red doesn't like being thrown by something or being pranked."

Gustave just rolled his eyes and snickered. He went back to his seat and just talked to his goons.

I turn to Astrid, who was wide eyed at me. Her blue eyes gave a little spark. "Calm down, okay?" I whispered to her.

She just stared at me, like I was a ghost or something, and her expression changed, she shoved me away, not really hard, but her hand was really strong that I almost vomit my food.

She went to her seat, and just sat there, and started doodling on her notebook. I went beside her and just watch her doodle a pretty picture.

"You know, your invading privacy." She said in a cold tone.

"Oh, sorry." I said, and just turn to look down at my own notebook. In the corner of my eye, Astrid was covering her notebook.

I sighed and rested my back on the chair, and just waited for the teacher to arrive.


"Okay, class dismissed." The teacher said. Everyone stood up, leaving the classroom. Astrid walked out of the classroom door, leaving me alone. I grab my stuff and quickly followed her.

I look around, and saw her walking to the locker hallways. I quickly ran towards her, stopping by her side. Seeing her expression hasn't changed.

Okay, I'm feeling kinda guilty now, but what did I do?

Astrid's eyes widened and she look at me, glaring daggers at me. My skin hair stand on end, as the atmosphere between us was getting scary.

"Uh...did I said something you didn't like?" I asked her. "You should have know it yourself, fishbone." She hissed and continued walking, leaving me behind.

Was it because I said she's evil? Why? Its true right?

I ran after her, grabbing her arm, and faced her to me.


"What?" She asked coldly, as I felt my cheeks went hot. Noticing how close we are to each other.

I let go of her hand, and back away, still feeling the blush remaining on my cheeks.

"" I squeaked.

Astrid rolled her eyes, but stayed where she was. "Let's go, we need to meet up with Leiko in the cafeteria." She said.

I nodded, adjusting my glasses. She grab my wrist and drag me all the way to the cafeteria.

When we got the place, it was now crowded with students that were having their lunch. I tried to look for my brothers, but they were no where to be found.

"Let's go." She said and pull me towards a table where I see Gogo and Hiro talking to each other, smiling at each other like they have known each other for years.

"Oh, hey bro." Hiro greeted me, giving me a fist bump. I smiled and sat down beside him.

"What took you guys too long?" Hiro asked. I look at Astrid, and she just smiled at him. "We just need to finish something, that's all." She said.

Hiro nodded and took a bite on his burger.

"So tonight Hicc, you coming?" Asked Hiro.

"On what?" I asked him. Hiro swallowed the food and spoke. "Movie night." He replied.

"Uh.." I uttered, looking at the twin princesses. Astrid was glaring at me, while Gogo was giving me a hard stare.

"Uh..sorry bro, Red and I need to do something, plus we have a lot of home works, and I'll be her tutor in Robotics." I lied.

Second lie, I did to my brother... Thanks a lot Astrid and Gogo.

"Oh, okay, we were looking forward to this, hope you can join, but we understand if you can't." Hiro said smiling.

I sighed, feeling guilty of what was happening. This wouldn't happen if it wasn't for my dumb mind.

Astrid grinned slightly, and crossed her arms, and pull on her hood, covering her face, as I can see her grin went wider under the hood.

Misty Red (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now