Chapter 43: Demons Riot

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I watched as Astrid had been talking to her sister, they seem to have a bit of a problem with each other, and I'm sure its not going well.

"The devil sisters fighting again?" Asked Hiro as he came beside me, loading a gun and gave it to me. I sighed, shrugging. "I understand what Astrid is doing though, she just want her sister safe, and as the eldest, she's responsible for everything."

Hiro nodded, "yeah, like what you always do to me, being older than me by about 2 and a half minutes, you did you best as a brother." He said and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

I watch as the sisters were now going on to a sincere talk, like Gogo had understand what her sister was doing for her, and they gave each other a hug, I can see the happiness in Astrid's eyes as she hug her sister.

I'm glad they're okay...

Gogo's P.O.V.

"You don't understand it Leiko, I'm doing this for you cause your my responsibility." Astrid yelled at me as her eyes were piercing red like blood, which sends shivers down my spine, I admit, I'm scared of her when she's like this to me.

But I don't show it, I have to show I'm brave enough to handle her.

"Why? What do I have to understand? I'm not a baby Astrid, and who are you to tell me what to do, your just my sister!" I yelled back furiously.

Astrid's eyes widened as I told her that. Maybe got too far, what have I even said? That's really kinda harsh.

Astrid look mad at me, but her face relaxed and held both my shoulders. "Leiko, believe me, I wanted to tell you, but were running out of time, and I really want you to know, but I can't tell you, not now, but I promise you, I will tell you when we get this over with." She said, her eyes turning to its normal sapphire colour.

I can see the stress and pain in her eyes as she must be rewind in her head what I had done before that I cannot even remember just a bit.

I sighed and just nodded. "Okay." I chirped. Astrid smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. I hug her back, a sign of my sorry for what I told her.

I really am confused of what she was talking about, but by the time she look at me, I kinda felt the pain she's feeling. Maybe that's really the connection between twins right?

Astrid let go of me and placed something on my hair. It was a heart shaped hair pin, and she smiled at me, the way she does after fighting.

"Your still riding with me." She told me. I sighed and nodded. "Yes." I role my eyes with a smile.

"Let's go." She told me and drag me all the way to the dragon whom she called Stormfly and let me on first and she got behind me.

"Mortals! Get to your dragons and weapons, were heading to the Great Hall." She announced out loud with fierce.

I can feel she's nervous of what might happen, but she won't show it.

"Astrid." I said softly. She look at me with determined look. "Everything will be okay." I told her. She smiled and nodded.

"Astrid." Someone called, I turn my head to see Hiccup running towards her. "Problem, demons are outside the campus, trying to break in." He said with worry in his green eyes.

Astrid's P.O.V.

My chest was pounding as the news had progressed in my mind.
Now what?!

Calm down Astrid, everything is going to be fine, think as a leader, think as a princess.

I took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll try to distract them, after all, I'm the one they're after at, father sent them so that they will take me to Underworld, I'll let them chase me, as you guys go and fly to the Great Hall." I explained, even though I'm not so sure how should I do this stupid plan I had made.

"I'm coming." Gogo volunteered

"No!" I protested.

"Yes, I'm also the princess here, I'm also like you, were equal and those fucking bitches are also my priority, our safety relies on both of us, so I'm cimg even if you like it or not." Gogo said.

I clenched my fists, as I want to protest again, but she's right, I might need help.

"I'm coming too." Someone said. I turn my head and saw Heather.

"You?" Asked Tuffnut in disbelief.

"Since the two had wings, I'm going too." She said revealing her wings.

I role my eyes, okay, now were the three angels.

"Fine, but be sure those freaks don't get you." I said as I reveal my own wings as Gogo did the same.

I turn to Hiccup and gave him a hug. I can feel Heather growling under her breath, but I ignored her. Hiccup is mine and she can't do anything about it.

"Be careful." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Aw..." Everyone cooed except Heather.

"Make sure your okay, don't let dad get to you." I told him.

I turn to Toothless as I place my forehead on his, communicating with him by staring.

Toothless gave me a pur.

"Stormfly, your coming with Hiccup." I ordered my blue Deadly Nadder.

I turn to Gogo and Heather, Gogo still have the dark aura between Heather and she.

"Okay angel and dark angels, were going out there, distract the demons away from the school and the protective barrier, and if we need to smash them, then do it, no exception." I told them.

"Okay." They both said. "Alright angels, let's go." I said as I leap in the air, flying down the hallways, the two winged girls following behind me.

"Gogo, make sure Heather had any defences to be able to touch those demons." I told my sister.

Yes angels can't touch demons, but only demon formed creatures like reapers, cannibals and more, but between me and Heather, we can even kill each other cause we can tough each other.

But right now, I'm not into fighting with her, the important is, that we save the city from the wrath of my father because of my mistake.


Hi! Its been a long week! Yeah! I haven't updated. Busy because of school and activities coming.

But I'm able to update till tomorrow yay!

Next update is this afternoon maybe.


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