Chapter 12: WHAT?!

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"I got a girlfriend..."


Hiro's eyes went wide, hearing what I was saying. Even I was surprised of what I said.

"You...what?!" She shriek. My hand automatically moved, covering his big mouth.

"Shh!!!" I shushed.

Hiro removed my hand, looking st me surprised. "Seriously dude?? How?? And Who??" He asked.

I sighed, closing the door of my room.

Stupid mouth of mine, now I got myself in big trouble! Now I have to think of an alibi for this dude.

"Look, I know its crazy, but I don't know why I even thought of courting her, and I cannot even believe were together now." I lied, as I avoid looking at him.

But I can see Hiro, still shock of what I said, looks like he believed of my alibi.

"I can't believe you just got a girlfriend...on the second day of school." He said his voice a bit slow.

Suddenly, his lips stretched showing his teeth with a small gap inbetween them. He then went beside me, clinging his arm with mine.

"Who's the lucky girl?" He asked in a sing-sang voice.

Oh no...

"Uh..." I uttered, thinking of a name that for sure Hiro will believe. "Red."


Hiro's eyes widened of what I said, probably not convinced of what I spit out of my stupid little mouth.

"You have got to be kidding me!" He said punching my shoulder lightly while chuckling. "No dude, its true, Red and I are really in a relationship now."

Okay, this has gone long enough!

"I'm asking Red and Gogo tomorrow, and make sure your telling the truth." He said, crossing his arms with an evil smirk on his face.

Damn this day! I hate you Astrid!

"Fine then, I'll prove to you who's lying." I said sticking my tongue out at him like a kid does.

Okay, now I'm putting myself to a lot of danger...

Hiro raised his eye while nodding. "Uh-huh, I'll expect smooching tomorrow." He said.

My eyes widened in surprise to what he said. "HIRO HADDOCK!" I yelled.

Hiro laughed his heart out, as he exited the door, calling for Tadashi.


⊙︿⊙ WHAT?!



"Seriously dude? You and Red are in a relationship??" Asked Snotlout, Fishlegs and Tuffnut as we walked down the hallways with Hiro by my side.

I sighed. "For the hundredth time, I told you, We Are!"

"Ooh! That means the rumors were wrong about Red, all she just need is a little companionship, and a little love, and all of that might change because of Hiccup!" Tuffnut said patting my back making me cough.

"Yeah, well, we'll see what Red is today." Snotlout said.

I sighed, hoping Astrid will be absent today, so I won't put myself to shame.

"I can't wait to hear what you did to make Red fall in love with you." Hiro nudged me from my side.

"What is that I'm hearing?" Asked a voice.

Everyone stopped walking, and look at the people I'm front of us.

"Oh! Uh..h-hi Ast-I-I mean Red! And Gogo!" I greeted nervously.

Astrid smiled a bit, and so is Gogo, and look at the boys beside me. "Hiro Gogo." Hiro greeted the girl with raven colored hair. "Hi." Gogo greeted in a not so cheerful way.

"So what's this fuss all about?" Astrid asked, her smile fading from her rosy red lips.

"Is it true?" Asked Hiro to the blonde head in an excited tone. "What?" Astrid curiously, like she really can't read their minds like she can.

"That you and Hiccup are in a relationship?" Asked Tuffnut with a very wide grin on his face.

Astrid smiled, a wicked kind of grin, which for sure I'm the only one who can understand.

"I see he already told you." She said smiling at me. A very innocent way, that matches her side ponytail hairstyle, making her look kawaii.

"So its true??" Asked Snotlout for reassurance. Astrid nodded her head.

The boys look at me with eyes wide, like they cannot believe what just happened. Making me blush a bit.

"What? Its like you haven't been very excited earlier to know the truth, and now your all wide eyed?" I hissed, still blushing.

Dang! Why am I blushing?!

Astrid suddenly grab my hand, entwining her fingers with mine, making me feel like something just ran through my body, making it a bit shaken.

"So, I guess its not that bad to reveal it, right Babe?" Astrid asked me in a very sweet voice.

I gulped, as I saw an evil smirk planting on her lips. Gogo was smirking too, like she knew what Astrid was planning to do to me after this.

Gods, I hope they would find me a good place to burry my body.

"So, let's go?" Astrid asked me. I look st my friends and they were making shoo signs while smiling widely.

"Uh...o-okay." I said. Astrid then pulled me with her, and we ran down the hallways, and turn a corner, till we reached the empty hallways, where no students is going.

Astrid let go of my hand, and turn to me, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, it was Hiro, he got suspicious last night, and I made an alibi, and I accidently said that your my uh...girlfriend. That's why." I explained as I was stuttering and panicking, that I might be dead any second now.

Astrid just stand there, her arms crossed and was chuckling, like she just heard the very funny joke.

"Uh...what's so funny?" I asked her curiously. Astrid stopped laughing, but was still giggling and calmed herself down.

"Your alibi is stupid." She spat and chuckled. I chuckled with her and scratched the back of my head.

"But that's good, a very clever mind, with stupid ideas, I like that." She said, her hands gone to her hips.

"Since you are my slave after all, why not do this the easy way, we pretend were a couple." She said like she never had an idea of this.

"So your not gonna burry me alive?" I asked her.

She smirked, shaking her head. "Why would I do that?" She asked.

"Uh...because your evil?" I asked. Her smirk faded, and turned to be serious. "Good, you know it." She said and walked pass me, like she was mad or something.

"Was it something I said?"

Misty Red (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now