XVI. I Get Shoehorned Into The Labyrinth (And Kayla's Not Happy)

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(A/N: The chain of events that leads to the part you all have been waiting for begins in this chapter. Hope you're ready for the rollercoaster of emotions. Just one thing I want to make clear. Most of the rest of Part Two is inspired by fanfic user "Askinar-The-Dark" and his fanfic "Demigod?", in which Kronos somehow has a demi-Titan son of his own in the modern age and that son goes on to defeat his father while taking Percy's place as being the one who is sent to Calypso's Island in BOTL, and somehow manages to get Thalia Grace to fall in love with him. I know, ironic isn't it? Anyways, here's the chapter!)

June 4th

Lee and the Apollo Cabin drove off an Aethopian Drakon that had been lurking near the border since like one am during the night. I apparently slept through that, as did Kayla.

Either way, Clarisse informed us all in the Ares Cabin this morning about the labyrinth entrance, which confirmed my suspicions from yesterday.

She pulled me off to the side while we were walking to breakfast though. I was honestly surprised, as was Kayla.

"Apologies, Kayla.." Clarisse said kindly. "But I need to speak to my younger brother.. alone please."

Kayla nodded, and walked off, leaving me and Clarisse by ourselves.

"What was that for..?" I asked her.

She had a serious look on her face. "Annabeth got a prophecy last night, and part of it involves you."

Oh joy. Another prophecy.

Sarcasm. Yeah, I know.

"So what did it say?"

Clarisse looks left and right, making sure no else is around, before she looks at me again. "Before I say this to you, I suspect that there's a part of this that Annabeth is leaving out, but I'm not sure" she says, and I nod, a little bit curious.

She took a deep breath and cleared her throat. "It went like this. You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze. The dead, the traitor, the lost one raise. Gun and Bow find the truth.. to seek the joy that they never thought. You shall rise or fall at the ghost king's hand. A child of Athena's final stand. Destroy with a hero's final breath."

I noticed something. That was only seven lines.

"Yeah.. I can definitely see why you think Annabeth is hiding something.." I told her, and she nodded in agreement.

"So.." she replied. "..what do we know?"

"We know from Chris that Minos is currently the ghost king now.." I said, thinking over it. "But given what he did to Chris, there's a chance that he isn't the one who does that part of the prophecy. I just don't think it's likely he'll give Annabeth and whoever else she brings with her on this the option of rising."

"So what are you saying? That's there going to be a new ghost king?" she asked me.

"Possibly.. you never know.." I said back to my sister. "We also know that the maze is the labyrinth. That's obvious. Plus.. we know that gun and bow probably refers to me and Kayla.." I couldn't help but blush a bit at that. "..and that the dead could possibly mean that kid that ran off at the Winter Solstice. Bianca's brother, Nico Di Angelo."

"Indeed.." Clarisse responded. "Grover thinks that the lost one refers to Pan."

I considered it. Pan had been missing for a really long time, without a trace of him having ever been found. If he was underground.. then..

"I think it might be.." I said back to her. "It would make sense if Pan is the lost one because he's down there in the labyrinth."

"Maybe.. but there's no way to know for sure.. unless we found him down there.. and the labyrinth is perilous as it is.." she responded, and I nodded. She was correct. Unless we found him down there, we had no way to know for sure if my theory was correct.

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