XXVI. The Sweetest (And Hottest) Moments With A Goddess Like Demigod

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Alternate Chapter Title: My Cabin (and Chris) Are So Based

(A/N: The first of three chapters where it's just no monsters, no distractions, just pure and sweet Colton and Kayla love. Rated between T and M because of a little bit of spicy, suggestive language and stuff. Probably a long chapter too, so let's get started here. Plus, a little something extra.. snippets of something from Book Two:

.... Summer 2009 .....

Nightmares .. Demigods .... .

Dancer ... ... King ... Queen..

.... ... evade ... fear .... ... ..... .

You might already know at least one of the people this is referring to.. but can you guess the other two?)

6 days after the Battle Of The Labyrinth..

Once my injuries had healed up and we could take the bandages off, I think it was safe to say that the training wheels on our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend had really been taken off.

Despite the doom and gloom that pervaded camp in the days, and then weeks after the battle, there seemed to be a bright spot for everyone, something that at least made them feel like not everything about their future was so dark and unknown. That bright spot was Kayla and I since for all of our shared history, with each other, there exuded a happiness that couldn't really be brought down for very long. I still had yet to be given the other awkward talk from my girlfriend's parents - which to be honest, after being interrogated by her siblings I was not looking forward to that - but for now, I didn't really care much, because to the rest of camp, we were two souls in love, bounded together by drama and trauma that the rest of camp had witnessed too. They knew full well that much of the story between me and Kayla had occurred at the same time as they were living their lives.

Either way, with a camp like this, privacy with your girlfriend is definitely hard to come by. There's only so many places you can be when the camp pretty much knows exactly where you frequent on a twenty four hour basis. Thankfully, since, you know.. we were still on break from doing anything worthwhile on orders from Chiron, we still had a good amount of free time on our hands.. so on this morning, Kayla decided to invite me down to the lake for some fun in the water. Knowing that Percy was by now gone back to New York City, having left early this morning.. we didn't have to worry about any water shenanigans, which was nice because knowing Percy.. he was likely to mess with me in some way.

So with all of that mind, I knew I was going to have a good time with Kayla, but I don't think even I realized what I was about to experience or the fact that Clarisse and Chris deciding on their own to go out a couple days ago and come back with a bunch of sleeping bags, since they wanted to do something nice and let my other siblings have the luxury of being able to sleep out underneath the stars for once, since by now the Harpies had started to pick off any monsters that dared get too close to Camp Half Blood at night time, including snakes and spiders.. would turn out to be one of the most unintentionally based moves those two have ever made.

- — - — - — - — -

I woke up on July 7th to the sound of silence as per usual. I was still waking up at the butt crack of dawn as I usually did, but on this morning instead of taking my gear and going on patrol, I got out the pair of swim trunks Clarisse had gotten me for my thirteenth birthday and put those and only those on instead, putting on a pair of gray and black flip flops instead. Taking a large towel out of the closet and closing the door quietly, I crept through the cabin full of my still sleeping siblings - and Chris - and got out the front door quietly and closed it quietly, only to come face to face with Lee and Aruna as soon as I turned around.

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