Author's Note Two: Monstrous Ghost

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To be perfectly clear, I saw an interesting fanfic on A03 last night by user "IStillPlayWithLegos" in which Mycenaean myths were mixed into Percy's world, creating a universe where Percy, Katie, and Will are basically young kids growing up with eldritch beings inside of them - eldritch beings in human skin to put it bluntly.

Percy basically gets claws, lots of teeth, and a lot more rage.

Katie basically is plant life times 10 - basically her mother, but also with the ability to affect plant life in basically anything she and her siblings have grown - and probably then some. Also comes with rage, due to the myth that basically created her and Percy in the fanfic.

Will has plague powers and the ability to literally burn a lot of things in his path, including a gorgon from the inside out. No, I'm not kidding.

At least while it isn't a Percabeth thing, we at least get to see a lot more Bianca than just in TTC. (Will may have cut through the fate's cloth - and caused a mass death event in California though.)

Plus, we have Solangelo.. so that's nice. Either way, it was a definitely inspirational kind of fanfic, titled "Wrath Of The Earthshaker", that is still in progress.. currently in BOTL, that inspired me to create an AU fanfic of "Heart Pierced", called "Monstrous Ghost." Due to more violence and these myths from the Mycenaeans being more dark in some cases, it is rated M.

You'll still get Colton and Kayla, but also Colton and a harem as we up the number of female demigods - and magicians (because we'll also have Carter Kane and Magnus Chase stuff in here too) - that are eldritch beings in human skin, and also turn Colton from a demigod into something you'll see more of as this series (in Heart Pierced and its sequels) goes along.

Like it or not, in Monstrous Ghost, Colton Reynolds is the Monster King and believe me.. he's one hell of a legend.

(Typhon: can't wait to show you he became that in this story.. I'm sure you'll have a blast, dear reader.. until then, this is Typhon, father of monsters signing out.)

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