XXVII. The Agony Of The Shocked

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(A/N: After all that interlude, now to get into the bread and the butter of this part of the story - the Last Olympian itself. Once we get to the Battle Of Manhattan, the only thing I can say about it is going to be - the fates are going to have as much control over what happens here as Zeus has over Percy, which should be a bit of an omen - in case hearing that the fates might not have an easy time predicting who dies in the fight correctly isn't enough for you all to hear now. Some of this is taken from Askinar-The-Dark's fanfic "Demigod?", so shout-out to them here by the way.)

August 13th

Things have been heating up since the Fourth Of July after I got that letter from Kelli. Believe me, not knowing if she was dead or alive hurt me a lot, even if being with Kayla more than made up for it. I still hadn't told her about the letter though, because I don't know how she would take it if she found out that Gaea was reviving her children or that two of them had a vendetta against me over my title of Monster King.

Typhon must have thought I would do great things or had great potential for some reason for him to crown me Monster King. Or maybe it was to prevent Porphyrion from getting his hands on it. I couldn't tell.

It didn't really help me at all that in recent nights, I have been plagued by dreams of me, Michael, and a girl with pink hair in armor up in some mountains in what seemed like California in the middle of nowhere, our only reference point being this railroad running through the mountains through tunnels and such as it climbed higher and higher. (A/N: In case you are wondering, they are no where near San Francisco or Camp Jupiter for that matter in that particular dream, just to clarify.) I was also having dreams of what seemed like that traitor Luke facing off against one of the Giants - though I'm not sure which of them had blue hair - in what seemed like Nashville, TN and for some odd reason, dreamy images of my hometown.

Louisville, Kentucky.

Yeah.. I'm from Kentucky. A son of Ares is from Kentucky. Deal with it.

Either way, I was stressed a good bit. It wasn't just me, or Kayla either to be honest.

Anyways, camp was tense. Percy and Beckendorf went out on a mission last night. Something about blowing up the Princess Andromeda, that cruise ship belonging to that traitor Luke filled with monsters and enemy demigods. We were expecting them to be back soon.

Personally, I thought good.. they blow that thing up, the less monsters and baddies that we'd have to face when Kronos moves on NYC and Olympus. Like seriously, that would be a very good thing to be honest. The less I have to face off against in order to fulfill the final part of my prophecy, the better. The only thing I didn't know was what exactly the last line meant.

A single kiss will bless them fair.

It.. was.. odd to say the least. What exactly would Kayla's kiss bless us with? I had literally no clue.

Did it have something to do with the Monster King? Or did it not? I had so many questions here.. and unfortunately, I had very few answers to those questions. It was nerve-wracking to say the least.

Those thoughts were pushed aside this morning during breakfast, when one of the Hermes kids - I forget which one - shouts, "THERE THEY ARE!"

Kayla, me, Chris, Sherman, Clarisse and the rest of my cabin turn our heads from our table, and I think from what we saw, we all instantly knew that Beckendorf did not make it back alive. Up came Percy, Annabeth, and Chiron.. without any sign of Beckendorf.

Clarisse sighed, and tried not to get emotional. "Silena's going to be devastated.." she whimpered. Kayla sniffled a little, and I just pulled her close to me and hugged her, letting her whimper and cry tears onto my shirt and chest. I felt bad too, for Beckendorf was a good man. He would be very dearly missed by us all.

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