XLI. We Recieve Rewards And Other Blessings

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Alternate Chapter Titles: The Monster King As Explained By The Gods; We Get The Rundown Of Exactly Who And What The Monster King Is

(A/N: This is going to be a very interesting chapter to write, simply because everyone except those who already know - basically me (the author of this fanfic), plus the Gods and Titans (Primordials and Giants know the backstory too, but this group mainly concerns me and the deities in the scene) - are about to get the rundown of exactly who and what the Monster King is. I have hinted at least a little bit of the Monster King's past in this fanfic, plus Monstrous Ghost, as well as on "Barriers Will Fall", a non-canon modern fantasy AU of "Heart Pierced" I am doing on Archive Of Our Own.

Shout-outs as per usual to Imaginebooks , -JASONSGRACE , and Morro11 , as well as A03 users grumpylia, TheTimeTraveler24, and laurellins, but this time with new shout-outs to A03 users for the following: sunflower_star for inspiring the part about mortals being on Olympus in the celebration scene with their recent fanfic about Sally Jackson's agenda, InsaneMakaioshin for their fanfic called "Modern Myths" in which Hades stumbling upon Percy soon after Gabe came into his life changes a lot of things that inspired a bit of what goes on in this chapter.. oh boy with what is coming to Artemis.. this will be good. A03 Users nlpiersee and paymenonevermind did a similar thing to Artemis in their rather unique on-going take of the cliche "Reading The Books" trope where Percy's story is a visual image that everyone can watch. So shout-outs to them too.

Also using the Graphic Novel a little bit for this chapter too.

Either way, hope you enjoy this chapter and the backstory behind the Monster King!)

It was about several hours after the Battle Of Manhattan had ended - on what my girlfriend called the greatest shot I ever took - when I had woken up, so only now.. an hour after waking up since I wanted to cuddle with her and we made out a bit until Apollo had came in and yanked us out of bed, that we were headed to the throne room. It was weird though, walking into that throne room after well.. everything that happened since last time I was in the throne room. Last time, I was single yet fueled by desire for revenge to a degree, and having to be prodded along by Clarisse.

Here, now I was basically the opposite of what I was back then, thanks to Kayla. Though still, the fact that everyone's mortal parents were there - with their kids in the throne room, with Darren waiting for Kayla.. and all of them just instantly looking at me - was both a bit depressing and unnerving to be honest.

That was honestly offset when I noticed the ghosts of all the Titans that had been slain - Kronos, Koios, Krios somehow - I don't know how he died, Pallas, Perses, and Lelantos standing off to the side alongside a ghostly vision of Typhon and both the living Prometheus and Klymene were there too. Even the Gods who had defected were there as well. I was a little bit suspicious at first, but then I felt Kayla's soothing touch from her other hand just wrap around my body, while a very, very warm hand simply touched my other shoulder.

"Do not worry, my king.." said a voice from behind me. "They are not here to fight you or the Olympians. It will be explained soon."

I was confused as to who the one touching my shoulder was, but Kayla answered the riddle for me even if I didn't say anything.

"That's Cháris.." Kayla explained. "One of the Heralds, some of our most loyal servants as the Monster King and Queen."

I simply nodded. Oh.

That makes a lot more sense.

I was still a little bit about the ghosts and living Titans all with us, even with Typhon's ghostly vision figure being perfectly reasonable as to why he was here. Most likely because since I had become the Monster King finally - and to be clear, even I hadn't expected my new title to be as powerful as it was - everyone was likely wondering exactly what the hell was going on.

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