XLIII. We Get Drawn To A Mysterious Building Appearing Out Of Nowhere

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Alternative Chapter Title: Beginning Of The Second Giant War Arc, Part Two

(A/N: This chapter - the inspirations for this one are definitely all over the place, just a fair warning here for this one. I'm changing gears here, as the TMNT inspirations mainly come from Season One, specifically Episode 13 of that season, "Notes From The Underground, Part One". References from that episode in this chapter, plus some from Season Five as well. That as well as some Scooby Doo stuff too. This arc is also inspired by the Foot Clan from TMNT.. in particular the various incarnations of these common foes of the Turtles over the years.

Shout-outs to -JASONSGRACE , Imaginebooks , Az56796743 , goddessofwisdom- , and Galatea-Green-31 here since their OCs all appear in this chapter and the next few as well. Also shout-outs to TsarinaTorment and TheTimeTraveler24 here too because the composite OC (Alice) based off of their versions of that OC character appears here too.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter!)

((Series Related Note: If you see something like "(** ___ **)" at a certain point in some of these chapters coming up and in other fanfics I'm doing, it's a sign that I have some music from another fandom that I think fits really, really well with what is happening in the chapter it is placed in. Thank you for taking the time to read this message. Back to the chapter-scheduled content below.))

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One small fact that I forgot to mention last time, my sister Clarisse was made an honorary daughter of Hermes too, much to Chris' pride.

Anyway.. back to what I was going to talk about this time.

- — - — - — - Switch To Third Person POV - — - — - — -
(** Please play Eerie (Score) from the original Scooby Doo Where Are You soundtrack. Music is up on YouTube courtesy of one user named "Montgomery Gator." Repeat as many times as you have to until the POV switches again.**)

Deep in the woods of Long Island only a few miles from Camp Half Blood and in between Camp and New York City, in a large clearing, the mist was amplifying itself in full force in a mysterious fashion on this night.

The mist, green as ever, condensed at a massive rate in this particular clearing, rapidly gathering in massively large quantities until it covered an area of ground about 370 yards long by 320 yards wide, almost the entire clearing. Within this mass of mist, as if by magic, the ground cracked into multiple pieces, as if an earthquake rupturing the ground decided to appear and contain itself to just that area, and then the ground sank, creating a massive hole that took up almost all of the area covered by the mist, its edges jagged yet also partially rounded like those of a circle.

The sounds of ground moving against each other could be heard a while as it sounded that something was rising up from that hole. Then, out of the hole, came the Greek-like roof of a building.

A large and tall building, to be exact. It looked like a temple mixed with that of a department store, at least on the outside. Then again, this was what could be seen as a shadow through all of the green mist as this strange, mysterious building on a mass of land that when fully risen made the gap between it and the rest of the ground on Long Island an earthen moat about 5 yards long and 8 feet deep that was hexagonal in shape, rose from base to roof about 4 stories into the air. Magically, at the entrance which looked like a typical Greek entrance to a temple, an arching stone bridge like the type used in the mid 19th Century formed to connect the building over the earthen dry moat to the rest of Long Island.

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