XXIII. The Last Moments Of Peace

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Alternate Chapter Title: Chaos' Eve

(A/N: Let's get one thing straight: while the past two chapters were long.. those aren't actually the longest chapters I have ever written.

One chapter in my Clone Wars / Freezing crossover clocked in at 7,452 words long.

My longest is a chapter in my Clone Wars / Attack On Titan crossover fanfic clocking in at 7,860 words long (including author's notes). So yeah, you think these chapters of up to or over 2,000 to 3,000 or more words are long.. this is normal for me.)

Surprise, surprise, it was Austin and Caeli. Also, to be completely honest with you, both of their jaws dropped after noticing me holding hands with Kayla.

"We can talk about me and her later.." I said to them. "What are you two doing here?"

"Chiron called.." Austin explained. "Told us about Luke and that any demigod willing to help defend camp would be greatly appreciated. Truth be told, we're still trying to process it all."

"Well.. we just happened to come up on a supply mission.." Michael replied. "..so as much as it a surprise to see you two here, it's great to have you both back. And Caeli, meet one of your younger siblings, Kayla Knowles. Kayla, meet Caeli."

When it came to this couple, there was only one thing to know about these two: these two could kick ass in more ways than one. Caeli may have been the blonde haired beauty at five foot five inches tall with dark blue eyes, but believe me when I say, she was lethal. She was a really good healer and a darn good archer.

She once killed three hellhounds at the same time with a well aimed arrow, a rare feat.

Austin, with his messy black hair, multiple body scars, a good six foot and two inches tall, green eyes, and muscular build, was no less of an intimidating sight on the battlefield, and a darn good tactician too. He preferred throwing knives as his primary weapon of choice, and as a secondary, a good sized sword. He had been on only two quests during his time at camp.. one had been on Luke's failed quest that ended in a fight with Ladon. The other.. with the help of Caeli, as well as a former Athena camper named Albert,  managed to defeat the forces of the Titan Pallas when he, with a small army, attempted to destroy an incredibly important temple of Apollo located in Louisville, KY. Pallas himself was nearly killed by Austin in the fight, though the Titan managed to escape.

So yeah, these two were very lethal.

Caeli didn't speak, she was in shock. Kayla did the talking for them. "Yeah, I know. The famous Kayla Knowles is a daughter of Apollo. Shocker, right?" she said, and I smiled. Gods, I love that girl.

"It's.. definitely a shocker.. are you and him.." Caeli said, still looking at the two of us. "..dating?"

The minute I nodded, Austin moaned. "Don't tell me.." he said. "..her siblings gave you the talk."

"Unfortunately.. yeah they did.." I said back to him. "As to we got to this point, it's a long story."

Kayla nodded. "What matters though.. is that I love him, with all of my heart."

Caeli cooed in adoration, while Austin just looked at me in amazement. "I gotta admit Colton, I don't think in a million years would I have expected you to be the one that hooked up with Kayla Knowles" he said, before he walked over and gave me a good hug.

"I.. missed you so much.." he cried, before steeling his nerves and looking real angry. "..but I guess now is not the time for feelings. Not when that bastard Luke is out there."

"You can say that again.." Michael added. "Let's get back to camp, shall we?"

And so, the five of us once again left for camp, all of us unaware of the two figures up on a nearby rooftop watching us - one of them being the same figure from last night and the other being their daughter.

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