XXX. I Observe A Morning Full Of Dread

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I had more dreams that night, and each of them were every bit as weird to me as the dreams that had come prior to them. Believe me when I say, you couldn't possibly come up with the shit I was seeing after passing out after getting drunk from twelve straight beers or some shit.. I don't know at all.

You want to hear it, well.. you're in the right place to hear this, so I'll just explain it away.

There was another moment in.. I think the same cave the spiderweb one was from.. a brief snippet of what happened maybe after that.. I'm not sure the time of this moment in the dream.. there was a statue of Athena, and these cobwebs from a large central hole in the floor threatened to pull it over. Everyone else from that dream was there when Annabeth shouted, "Secure It!".

There was a rumbling sound after those words had came out of her mouth.. and then I felt the floor beneath me give way. The cobwebs from whatever had been tugging on the cobweb had caused the floor to cave in, and I fell a long drop. I just managed to make out someone preventing Annabeth from falling over the edge, before she and multiple other people fell to their knees at the edge of the now massively expanded hole, tears in their eyes, screaming.. I couldn't make out what they were saying as I fell. The dream changed not too long after that.

The next image was of Manhattan, or to be specific, 5th Avenue looking from the block of the Empire State Building up the long slope in the distance towards Central Park. The thing was, 5th Avenue was a war zone. Dead demigods and monsters, piled up on top of each other up to 6 deep in some places, littered the street and the sidewalks on both sides of it. At the top of the slope by Central Park, howling at the top of its lungs, I could just about make out the same creature I had seen at the end of the spider web dream, only this time it was wielding a giant version of what looked like the sword Typhon had given me, and the sword was also coated in blood. And a lot of it. It also looked a whole lot shorter - roughly around 20 feet tall, and that wasn't because of distance either now. He may have been that far away, but there wasn't any doubt about this from what I could see here.

And yeah.. I could definitely tell that this.. thing.. whatever it was.. it definitely was a guy.

But still, it was a gruesome sight.. with blood, body parts, and guts all over the place. The figure then swung my sword and instantly decapitated the head of one of the Titans - how else would I classify a being that's ten feet tall - cleanly off, before howling even louder than before.

The scene changed again.. and this time, I was confronted with the scene of the traitor Luke, wielding two swords this time around, battling it out with two bulky dudes in armor and a third guy.. who seemingly reeked of being able to draw hatred out of me. The third guy was tall, skinny, about eighteen years old.. with black hair like Luke's, crazed blue eyes, and skin as pale as that on the body of one Nico Di Angelo. He had what appeared to be a toga on over a baggy purple shirt with some sort of logo on it - I couldn't tell what it was - and jeans or cargo pants on his lower half. Even so, even with Annabeth, Katie, Thalia, Kayla, Miranda, a lot of other girls that I knew, and some I didn't know behind him, despite being outnumbered 3 to 1, Luke was holding his own in the fight.

The scene changed yet again now, this time to what appeared to be some sort of dimension in between Earth (Underworld in this case) and Tartarus. There was a woman there, standing at an altar who was wearing a cloak made of black dirt that churned and shifted, as well as a veil made of dust. Even so, you could tell she had curly black hair, and eyes that swirled in green and black as deep as the crust of the earth and gave this woman the impression of herself being all-seeing. There was a dreamy smile on her lips that made her seem "cold and distant", which was creepy to say the least.

This woman, however, paled in comparison in every conceivable way to the absolute brute of - I'm not even sure if you call this guy a Titan or a Giant - a dude standing nearby with her at the altar.

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