#29 dreams

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UMMM A DREAM. im not sure if this has anything to do with this, uh.. right

So I basically am dressed as masky, which his mask feels surprisingly comfortable and when I moved it I could see better, like readjusting it. i was laying down, it was like I was in my OWN bed, I was falling asleep, and in front of me is someone dressed like Hoody, he has his arm up and m confused and then put my arm around him and basically we js sleep ???? 

at least its somewhat normal but just.... w h a t . WHAT. why ??? irl only dreams I had of both at the same time was 1. hoody chasing my ass the entire fucking time till i gave up and he hit me in the head with a pipe while laughing since i didnt fall unconious so i laughed too until i fell unconcious and 2. them poisoning me or wtv. NOT  FKN THIS. what is this.

I'm js paranoid idk if this has to do with the stuff I think about, which eitherway I dont think abt cuddling either of them so. 

another dream that was random (and before this dream)

1. I drank from a cup and THE BOTTOM WAS FILLED WITH DEAD FUCKING MOSQUITOS. like alright I'm happy they're dead but NOT IN MY DAMN DRINK. i emptied the cup. forgot everything else.

- I looked online and it apparently means
''Dream about dead mosquito is a warning alert for your emotions and how cold and rigid you are behaving. ''
personally I don't even talk to a bunch of people, my friends are barely even replying to me, and the only ppl I ever see in real life are my parents or other family members, which with one of their friends (Mr.S) I'm very clingy with and affectionate so im not really cod/rigid.  well i am kinda jokingly lashing out on one of my online friensd bc he keeps ignoring me so im like ''you're testing me boy'' ''if you dont reply to all of them i will piss all over yo feet *pitbull music dance*'' but not really,, though I did consider simply unfriending and leaving but that's bc I'm a retard :D

2. I'm in a car with Tim and some ladies I dont know, we go to some library and I see a rip-off tomoko kuroki cartoon book. she was blonde and stuff. i forgot the title, but yeah. later on the lady who was driving later, tells me to go help Tim sleep ??? so I go over and he gives me a smile yayyy and I brought him a book or wtv and js talk. i forgot the rest
Thing that was weird is I WAS  CARRYING A SLICE OF FUCKING HAM THE ENTIRE TIME. one ham I found in the car,, which the car was really messy with colorful blankets and I was sat in the back,, like behind the backseats,,

-I looked online and I saw:
''To dream of seeing hams, signifies you are in danger of being treacherously used.''
I have no idea what this means but um go off queens king or wtv 

that's all for today folks ummm be safe peace out

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