Actual Age Danger Scale

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- Notes
* The actual scale of danger (age wise).
* Looking older doesn't keep you safe, they know your age. Somehow, they just do.
* None of this information is mine, it's only the one i found, i don't take credits for this. Credits go to 

* Most Creepypastas will ignore you, but there are some who do scare/harm and/or kill children
* Chances are they'll leave you alone as long as you aren't trying to anger them. They have no use for you.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 0% - 3%, depends on what you're doing and who you are. (Researcher, Summoner.. etc)

* You are a hindrance to them, they don't need you nor want you.
* They prob have hundreds of 10yos trying to invoke them every single day just to see them for no good reason. Atp they've seemingly stopped showing up when people 10yo or younger summon them. Although, it could be that the kids are doing the ritual/invocation/summoning etc wrong.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 5% - 10%, they could get mad at you rather easily

* This is the age that they'll begin to take you a bit more seriously.
* The number 11 is known as 'The Psychic Master'. At this age you'll start to get more curious about mysteries and the supernatural.
* You have a slight risk of danger but not much.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 10% - 14%, depends on who you are and what they think of you.

* From now on they may begin stalking you.
* You're still too young for them to have a use for you, but you're almost ready.
* If they're stalking you at this age then be cautious, there has to be a specific reason that they're bothering you which could range from one extreme to the other.
* The most likely case is that you aren't being stalked by a Creepypasta, but rather another demon taking the form of a Creepypasta.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 15% - 20%

* This is it, this is the real beginning for oyu. From now onwards you're actually at risk. You're starting to take things seriously and so are they.
* They won't trust you enough for them to have a deity-like bond with you, you're still young and naive. You'd also go running off telling everyone what happened the moment after you encountered them. Even if you think you wouldn't, trust me, you would.
* The Slenderman will begin to take watch over you if you seem worthy.
* Some Creepypastas could start messing with you and trying to make you fear for your own life.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 40% - 50%

* If you're a summoner and taking it seriously they'll start to physically show up in front of you.
* Things are getting very dangerous.
* The Slenderman will begin to test your skills.
* They still don't trust you enough to talk, but they are watching and are willing to show themselves depending on if they think you're composed enough or not. If they show themselves whilst you're scared then they're trying to upset you and they're feeding off of your fear. They'll be dissappointed and angered if you freak out the first time you see one of them.
* If you're on their bad side or aren't protecting yourself properly they'll begin to ruin your life bit by bit. You'll lose all of your friends, your mental state will worsen, you'll lose all motivation and ambition, you'll be paranoid every waking minute of your life and more. The list goes on. 

⦻  Danger Percentage : 55% - 70%

* Pretty much the same as 14 except more sinister.
* They'll make sure you fear them, they'll make themselves a memory you won't be able to forget.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 58% - 75%

* You've matured enough to have a deity-like bond with them. Be cautious and be cautious.
* If they dislike you or want to hurt you they'll make it VERY clear.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 70% - 80%

* These are the best ages, during the ages of 17 and 18 they'll find it easier to show themselves to you and will even communicate with you if they feel like it.
* You are most useful during these ages, but also most at risk. Watch out.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 75% 88%

* Most researchers claim that you're a 'nuisance' to them, but I do not believe in that at all, You see, you are easier for them to communicate with at this age and they can likely entrust that you won't go telling the whole universe what they told you. Not many summoners are aged between 19 and 25 but the ones who are tend to be proper witches who have previously worked with other entities and know what they're doing. Creepypastas are mostl ikely to not hate your guts.

* The latest age you can supposedly become a proxy is supposedly 25, but I have yet to confirm this.

⦻ Danger Percentage : 30% - 70%, depends on who you are and how you're going about things

 OVER 25
* The Slenderman no longer needs you, so it is likely that you will no longer encounter him or his proxies.
* Creepypastas find you more difficult to scare.
* You can still work with them as a practitioner-deity type of thing, but you'll be pretty chill now and nothing you find out will be groundbreaking

⦻ Danger Percentage : 10% - 30%, depends on who you are how you were/are going about things

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