#51 - Touches

38 1 5

date: 18/06/2024

update bc i forgot to add this: but when i woke up today, i saw slenderman at the corner of my bunk bed for a split second. (i have the top bunk)

I tried shifting and it didn't work, i got jumpscared by seeing masky pop up out of nowhere so i opened my eyes immediately, tho felt some touches while it, some on my neck or my waist, legs.. Andd also for a second saw masky walk past my bed, also saw his face really close to mine, but didn't manage to shift yet.

Then before i went to bed i tried the creepypasta dream spell, im not sure if it worked i dont remember my dream, but something stroked my hair, touched my back, my legs, and i felt a presence behind me while i was tryna sleep. I'll try it again tonight and see if I remember anything.

I went out, so i just came back, and I don't believe I saw him but I felt really watched and followed. I'll update on this chapter if anything else happens these days.

Update 18:30
So i've been searching on the whistles of the animals that live in the part where I live, which, none of them really whistle like a human. Before i wrote this.

So i was outside bc i got mad so i went out and sat on the dirty floor to read, and i kept hearing noises of walking, at first i can't tell if that was a human, because here where i live, the animals are alot. I assume it was an animal. It stopped walking once i moved spots.

I went to sit on two chairs that were stacked on each other (it's safe dw) and i kept feeling watched, i then focused on some rustling down the hill across the road. I was behind a gate, so i mean if it was an animal it could jump across. The animals where i specifically live are:

*Marsican brown bear
*Apennine Wolf
*Roe deer
*Wild cat
*Golden Eagle
*White-backed woodpecker
*Eagle Owl
*Gray Heron
*Orsini's viper
*Yellow-bellied toad
*Brown trout
*And Alpine Rosalia.

So quite alot. And it did kind of sound like a person walking in my opinion, especially after the whistle i heard, which as i said i researched upon all the animals' sounds, specifically whistles. And none compared, it sounded human. It was just a regular human whistle. The thing moved quite alot, but it never came up, i did hear it get closer, but i never saw it peek its head or anything so i can't say for sure if it was a regular person or a human, or none of either, as it can be a non human non animal, you know where im getting at? (other creatures like skinwalkers etc. not specifically creepypastas.) I can't tell for sure if it was an alarm/warning call or not so i will leave it blank

I felt really watched, and something was touching my knee, then my hair, my back. The animals made a lil more noise, which is like the birds and if I'm right, squirrels i think. 

I did not whistle back, or call out to it, just kept the book i was meant to be reading closed while trying to see, after a bit i went back inside the cabin.

I was tempted to climb over the gate and peek over the hill to see if it was a person, but i didn't. This could be a normal human being, an animal, or something else, i wont know for sure now.

Though, i did hear a man say 'Hey' or something similar. Which i didnt reply to either.

Update 21:53
So i was outside, on the swingset, and two things happened, besides feeling watched.

So i saw Masky (i think) run past behind the cabin, and i heard something whisper to me, i didn't understand what it said.

Aswell as i went down the terrain where the car is to search inside the car for my lil brothers sippy cup, since its late its dark so i had my phones flashlight. I felt oddly watched and slightly uneasy,, and i heard ANOTHer whisper, but i also didn't get what it said, all i know is it was something like 'S', it could have been 'Es' which could be an even shorter nickname of my nickname if that makes sense (Esmy is my nickname, so he'd have removed the 'my'. I have not heard the whispers call my nickname in a good ass while. Maybe almost a year, as they had stopped for a while, i used to hear em everyday, i ignored each one if i remember right.) I just ignored it while going back up, i am NOT fucking with that lmao. Even if it was one of 'THEM' it sure would not even be for a good reason and im not looking forward to being tackled or hit in the head with a pipe or something. I felt as if i should've ran? but i just walked and pretended i didn't hear it, im not a fast runner anyway and imagine running uphill, that would not get me anywhere and would just tire me out, worse idea. 

Update 19/06/2024 4pm
So i tried shifting again, and well i didn't succeed but i almost did so i saw Masky behind a tree peeking at me (despite being inside) i just closed my eyes tighter as they tried opening, hoping i was finally shifting but nothing. Didn't shift. Felt a few touches but nothing more.

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