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so i was in the safety of my house, and i changed my pants into some military shorts, checked if i had leg hair (yk i dont wear short stuff unless there isnt any, ik not very body positive of me shh) andd so i went out BY MYSELF, just walked around, i think i did tell my mom that i was going to the usual spots, which is like, some wooded park/area infront of my past friend's house, nd idk i dont remember precisely since this dream was a night ago, but i js get fucking kidnapped by masky for whadeva reason,, and there were sum other people i think idk,, and i do remember i was angry and said ''WHAT HAPPENED TO HELLO?? WHAT HAPPENED TO HOW ARE YOU?? PLEASE COME WITH ME FOR A SECOND??'' since im dumb enough to just go with someone who kindly asks me to come with them (ik not smart but shh let fate decide my punishment for tomfoolery) UHHH and so when i woke up i told my friend that ofc, i js didnt think 2 post it lol nnnddd i saw some tiktoks,, n saw one of someone cosplaying masky in some dark woods, i saw the same thing before but it spookied me this time so i said ''Thats enough tiktok for today'' and closed the tiktok tab (yes i was using laptop tiktok, the web one) which is weird cuz he never spooks me atleast,, not saying this means anything but WHUH??? HUHH?? WHUHS??? *scratches head*

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