#52 Dream + touch

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short dream (will update on here if anything happens eitherway so to not take up space)

So its quite a short dream as i said, i was in my room (i think, it looked like it) and i glance over at a water bottle, which was moving, then I got startled as it literally moved even more, basically something i couldn't see, moved it. In the dream, it seemed like it was real life, as i then said i was gonna remember it to post on here. 

In a dream i had yesterday instead which i wont say what happened in it for a specific reason, after a bit, the guy (i couldnt see who, i dont care who i felt like it was i will not point fingers.) said 'Do you want some tea?' as i glanced over at the ice tea bottle i have in real life, which i woke up right after, wanting the ice tea. Im not sure if it's considered breaking the 4th wall in the dream, but it was creepy/weird eitherway.

Update 21/06/2024 ,,
i assume around early morning? i forgot because ive been holding on on typing this since i was busy on a wattpad book on another account. Unrelated i have like 4 wips (work in progresses) on well, x readers, one is cassie ainsworth the other michael myers and the other would be just a random man, not an actual character, im working on them slowly due to motivation issues, i have to log out and back into the accounts to switch yknow? cant be logged into multiple like on twitter sadly. ANYWAYS ON TO THE TOPIC SORRY FOR THE RAMBLE.

1. Last night, i was trying to put my little brother to sleep, and i heard breathing which wasn't my older brothers, and it was oddly close to me, i got paranoid and im not sure if my lil brother did too (he's non verbal) bc his breathing got a bit faster just like mine due to paranoia. Something was touching my hair, if i remember right i heard a slight whistle, (the whistling mightve been on another time stamp sorry i have a headache) after my lil brother fell asleep, i got up and went back up on the top bunk.

2. So later on, as i said i assume early morning as everyone was sleeping, so around 2am (i went to sleept at 3:30ish bc i was tired and bored.) i was laying on my stomach, browsing through my laptop, and i felt stuff touch my legs. Then, i felt as if there was a weight next to my side on my bed which startled me because i always assume its a rat/mouse, despite them being light, so i looked beside me and.. there was nothing. I then felt something around my waist, like an arm draped over my back or something, and something on my shoulder, MIGHT be like something laying next to me. Which it wasnt uncomfortable but it is still weird morally. especially since i couldnt see anyone there. 

Nothing happened once i went to bed, i think. Atleast i dont remember it, and no weird dreams luckily.

Besides that just something keeps touching me or i sometimes hear breathing, feel like theres a presence on a specific spot, feel eyes on me, and some paranoia. Nothing more for now. If anything else happens i'll write it in this same chapter to save up 'book space' and not get unnecessary short chapters.

so i was tryna sleep n i kept feeling smt touch me,, n grab my leg.. keep feeing watched n thas it

Serious update 8pm
So i started to get random cramps, which i didnt think much at first but the pain got worse, even a few pains on my ribs out of nowhere. I'd say it was my period but it ended a bit ago and it's not gonna come this month either, i got seriously dizzy, which i immediately went to lay down since it wasnt the usual real-quick dizziness that passed in like one minute, no it kept going and my ears started producing ringing and static at the same time. I just laid flat on my bed for a good long while, aswell as with a pillow under my stomach where i felt cramps, and aswell as got nausea. I felt something touch my shoulder for a bit, not too long as i moved since i was literally fighting for my life lmao. Rn im only slightly lightheaded, n ive been feeling watched all day. Almost forgot to add but the laptop was lagging aswell out of nowhere.

short update 27/06/2024
So i had a headache since i went to sleep, i woke up, and still had the headache. It was very powerful, so i took medicine when i woke  up again, it stopped finally. And later on, my ears started to produce alot of static mixed with low ringing, i ignored it, despite the feeling of being watched increasing. It stopped after awhile.

update 30/06/2024 01:35 A.M.
my ears rang for one minute.

ok so another update, as i was trying to sleep, i felt paranoid, something touched my hair, and my ears kept on ringing until i fell asleep. My little brother seemed a bit scared aswell
 (the paranoia could be since its 30th, where next month is June and they're particularly enraged, so it could be because of being just one day away from it, but i could be wrong)

another update 2pm,, i saw Masky's mask at the window for a split second 

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