#55 Missing, Bruise, Etc

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I title the chapters accordingly, so it'll say what it's about, which means if I'm updating the chapter for new ones (just the recent ones, once the chapter is too long i make another.) but the number should still remind you which one it is. I also try to not make it too long and obnoxious.

So queenies, um, my parents smoke Camel's, and their cigarettes went missing on multiple occasions, now, they buy Marlboro's specifically for me, because I prefer those but they hate them so they dont smoke them.

It's really new, they bought it yesterday, and I had only smoked 2/3 of them, one of them was in the early morning at 2am. When I checked them this morning, 2 more were missing, and I haven't smoked them, despite knowing that my parents hate Marlboro, I decided it'd be worth a try, the only other two people in the house is my older brother (18) and my younger brother (9), the 18-year-old doesn't smoke, and if he was going through my bag I would've woken up, he just doesn't touch my things in the first place. The 9-year-old, doesn't even know how a lighter functions, and he has underdeveloped growth (if that's what you call it) because of his down syndrome, the most he'd do is put them in his mouth but nothing more + he'd empty the entire packet, and he doesn't go through my bag in the first place (thank god).

They said it wasn't them, but there's no one else, and no one can actually break in the house. My bag was right above me on the bed aswell so. My parents said it wasn't them, I was a bit expecting them to say they did but, it'd be unusual for them anyways, they really hate Marlboro's.

I'd say it's like they grew legs and walked out. I'm not pointing fingers and saying Tim/Masky did it though, but could be since he smokes and I heard he smokes Marlboro's specifically (though I doubt he really cares about the brand)

I don't have a picture of it, so, wounds for me, take long to heal (i suppose because of malnutrition) and I have a few scratches and bruises that I accidentally made by bumping into things, but when I was on the swing earlier, I saw a new bruise which wasn't there before. And I don't recall bumping into anything. This could be me, or not me.

So as I said I smoked at 2am, i was outside, drawing in the squares of my notebook while listening to music, my mom joined me aswell, we both heard noises, at first she said it was my little brother (Despite him being asleep, and the noise being from behind the house.)

We usually hear noises around, and you'd know that if you read my previous chapter aswell, since I had alot to write there. So after we heard that noise behind the house, she looks at me and despite not showing it her eyes show that she's scared, as the noise sounded like a person.

I just said ''He moves alot in his sleep.'' so to continue to make her believe it's my little brother and ease her up aswell. We just chilled for a while more, then we went inside and went to sleep as it was late.

MORE TOUCHES is this morning, my parents are out at work from another city, and i keep hearing like someones walking through the property, i checked and I saw nothing.

Before the whole noises thing outside, I was laying in bed, still listening to music, and side note the bed was so fucking comfy holy shit- but little irrelevance aside um, something laid behind me and I felt an arm around my waist- 

I did move after a bit, since I was uncomfy with how I was laying down. I also felt a bit of hair stroking.

Little extra, um, the feeling of being watched did not actually stop. It's there most of the time, especially outside, and worse when I'm out on the swing at night (i fear no man and no animal if i die i die but let me swing in peace im not the smartest out here okayyy-) where I sometimes hear noises in the bushes and such.

I also, had a 'vision', its like a quick dream but its not actually a dream youre awake, your eyes can even be open while it and you dont know that its not real, that one made me really nervous like i got hot all over (i get nervous/shy easily sadly)

so i dont know why but it was me infront of some mirror in someone elses house, which first i was bodychecking it appears, and then i notice a tall darker figure behind me, it was a shadow-figure since it was like all black like one, and it was a bit bent down, i do NOT know if i saw it move his arms somewhere or notAfter i had that i was like ''yeah thats.. normal..'' as i was nervous and feeling something touching me, it had a kind of vibe of Tim/Masky if that makes sense.
Usually, these 'visions' are just me walking and then i sink into the floor and wake up so that's why this one confuses me.

Was outside reading a book, heard a few noises but could be animals. Except one might've been a man as suddenly it sounded like one person walked a little bit, then when i kept looking he let out a sigh, kind of like an annoyed one almost. I was just trying to make sure I wasn't gonna be attacked by an animal. Have some random pictures I took with my kidizoom camera

 Have some random pictures I took with my kidizoom camera

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update 23/07/2024so last night as i was in bed with music on, i felt some arm around my waist, something on my back, and my hair getting stroked

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update 23/07/2024
so last night as i was in bed with music on, i felt some arm around my waist, something on my back, and my hair getting stroked.

A bit later on when I'm not feeling it anymore, there's a bang from behind the cabin, as if somethng/one fell or something, later on there's a tap at the door. It was around 2-4am, i couldnt really sleep well, but my family did sleep and so they didn't hear it.

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