More 'Facts'/Tips and Symptoms

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Bit of research, I got lazy to post it but I got it back! I've translated more from Spanish/Brazilian/Portuguese into English last night! Apparently there's more symptoms than written in English Wattpad books. I've also added a few tips myself, because of the previous 'Researchers' I've spoken to whom have pissed me off.

only believe what you find logic and please take some advice and for the love of god read the disclaimer I've written down at the end of this chapter bc some of you really fucking need it I'm not sugarcoating this.

1. Never insult them (only if you want to be honest)

2. have a protection amulet

3. Don't go to abandoned places and avoid being alone

4. Start learning English and Spanish. This helps to read some reports on the internet that are not possible to translate.

5. Summoning any creepypasta can attract spirits by pretending to be them.

6. have an object to defend yourself (even if it's something small, but something that hurts)
7. know how to find the right websites to obtain information

8. Try to investigate alone or investigate with people you really trust

9. Slenderman will mentally torture you for long periods of time using fear and paranoia to drive you insane

10. If Slenderman is angry, he will attack and disappear with you to an unknown location

11. Instead of active pursuit, he's more likely to let you slowly become crazy until you can't handle the situation, often watching from afar as it happens

12. If you think about summoning, know that you will have to start training to run (they are agile and have already chased many people. You are just one of them)

13. if you believe in any religion, this is the time to pray

14. Always sleep with the windows and doors locked

15. Avoid staying in the dark and going out at night

16. be very attentive to noises

17. research how to protect yourself spiritually and physically. Whether in books or videos on YouTube

18. Pay close attention if you feel like you are being watched

19. Make a strong protection amulet. 

20. Can they rape you? Yes. if they want to they will, just like anyone will do whatever they want.

21. I can't fucking believe I have to say this but don't call Masky and Hoody 'The Cheesecake Guys' just because you're too lazy to say Masky and Hoody. First of all that's way more shit to write and second of all it's offensive, i dont care that you know that it's a fatphobic/fat joke towards them and dont mean it that way, it's still that god damn joke, and you're not going to be cool or edgy for calling them that. If you're that lazy just write their initials like 'H' and 'M' instead of being a retard.

22. From experience, if you hear a similar voice like your family's voice or even Masky or 'Slenderman' or any of them's voice telling you to open a door or anything as such don't fucking do it. It is not them that is a mimic. You may look through the fisheye/out the window to see if they're there. If you can see them and there's no one then that is a mimic, not one of them. If you see a family member, look closely if they look strange or feel the vibe being off, it could be a mimic or a skinwalker. And if you see one of them like Masky or even Sally/Slenderman, still don't open they're not there to have a tea party or smoke with you they're gonna rip your head off. 
AND IF YOU DON'T OPEN AND HEAR BANGING, THIS ONE ISN'T FROM EXPERIENCE BUT IT'S A MADE-UP SCENARIO, IF THEY BANG ON THE DOOR, CALL FOR HELP AND GRAB SOMETHING TO PROTECT YOURSELF WITH. and dont give me that 'i dont wanna hurt them' bs if they wanna hurt you just hurt them back like you would with any other person. Wouldn't recommend it on Slenderman though...-

23. If you hear a voice in your head telling you to do something, just don't you moron it's common sense. Unless it's telling you to do something nice like eat or hydrate or whatever. But don't be killing people because the silly goober in your head told you so, it's not cool or edgy its retarded.


E. Jack
1. hearing noises and rustles outside or inside the house
2. you could lose one of your kidneys
3. start to have scratches on the body
4. you can see it if you wake up at dawn
5. Hearing whistles at night
6. Only others in his house will be able to see him in a few moments and thus, being killed.
7. he may chase you until he gets other organs and finally becomes satisfied

1. horrible hangover
2. stomach virus
3. Rash and nosebleeds
4. coughing up blood
5. erotic nightmares
6. feel much more sexual pleasure frequently
7. constantly smelling roses
(Note: the offender's main preference is young women (usually between 14 and 20 years old), however, he targets almost anyone, regardless of age or gender. He doesn't take no for an answer)


1. have nervous tics
2. listen to ax noises
3. Sometimes, you can lose control of your emotions and have breakdowns (emotional, angry or violent).
4. memory loss
5. barely able to sleep
6. start to be very bipolar
7. Indicators of schizophrenia: delusions, bizarre behavior, disorganized speech.
8. develop adhd and amnesia

1. hear a sound of crying/laughing and child figures
2. Sweet perfume smell
3. your stuffed animals may end up disappearing
4. dream about her

1. Nightmares involving amusement parks
2. objects from your home thrown on the floor
3. hearing bangs coming from inside the house
4. He may show himself as your imaginary friend
5. hear laughter
(note: laughing jack usually chases children)

1. feel watched
2. bloodlust
3. hear unfamiliar footsteps
4. feel like killing
5. have outbursts of anger
6. psychotic thoughts
7. fear of being alone
8. desire to see blood
9. tantrums
10. feel something cold touching you at night
11. wanting to see blood
12. you feel watched
13. rises or smiles without reason
14. you want to kill
15. headaches
16. feel watched all the time
17. if you are his fangril you will feel all this much worse
16. at night you feel something cold touch your skin, it could be your knife or his hand

1. Listen to laughter and whispers
2. Flash (may be trying to photograph or film you)
3. You feel your hair and legs being touched when you sleep
4. Tries to drive you crazy with noises
5. Hear footsteps
6. Low static
7. Waking up with the proxy symbol on some part of the body
8. Your room is disorderly (Messy, and it was not you.)
9. Your investigative book disappears (if you write your investigations in a notebook, it'll possibly go missing.
10. Feel observed
11. Feeling watched in a sexual way
12. Sleep little or a lot
13. Low static
14. Dizziness
15. Want to draw the proxy symbol all the time
16. Smell like cigarettes
17. Listen to footsteps
18. Headache and having nightmares about it
19. Feeling that parts of your body are touched
20. You see a red light outside your window
21. They touch your window
22. You hear footsteps and creaks
23. Be afraid of the dark (if you weren't scared before obviously. But it can be your paranoia.)
24. Feeling watched when you sleep
25. Wanting to go to the forest
26. Wanting to be alone
27. Eating and sleeping very little
28. tapping on your window
29. possible camera shutters
30. smelling/finding cigs
31. seeing a white mask
32. waking up in the middle of the night/early in the morning
33. random aggression
34. mysterious bruises


also saying this because I had this girl tell me how she had period cramps and was saying she didn't know if it was them... Like please, your uterus has nothing to do with them. That is the stupidest thing I've ever been told.

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