Helpful Ciphers/Codes

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- Notes
* This is just what in my opinion is helpful to learn, just in case. It's helpful in case they try communicating to you this way, or if any other person tries to communicate that way. If you can't be bothered to learn, whenever u hear long knocks/taps/beeps etc.just listen and remember it as much as you can, if u cant remember it fully you'll still be left with some sort of hint of what it could be so you can make a few thoughts on it yourself, incase you do not have a good memory, (like me.) Or just try to listen to a subliminal for better memory/learning that language.
* I'm not adding images, I would but I'm not using my own laptop, im using incognito mode cuz privacy ygm? and if i download any images and don't delete them in time i have to listen to my  moms complains, this used to be MINE computer but now that its hers this laptop has changed so it's more difficult to use augh.
* If you can't click on the links go to the comments i'll copy and paste all of them there.

ah yes. the infamous Morse Code. Who would've thought.

; ''In 1836, the American artist Samuel Morse, with the American physicist Joseph Henry, and Alfred Vail, developed an electrical telegraph system. Morse then developed the forerunner to modern International Morse code. The name "Morse code" is misleading because, this is in fact a cipher not a code. All the letters of the alphabet, number from 0-9 and some punctuation marks have been replaced by dots, dashes or short and long beeps. For example: A is "▪-". Morse code was popularly used when the telegraph was invented. Messages could be sent long-distance electrically using the Morse code via the telegraph. It was not used for concealing message, but transmitting information as a series of clicks, tones or lights.

A skilled observer or listener can directly understand the information without any equipment. It brought in a revolution, since updates from one country could be passed on to other countries immediately. Amateur radio operators used Morse code frequently. A basic understanding is required by pilots and air traffic controllers. SOS, the most common distress signal, recognized internationally is depicted as three dots, three dashes and three dots. ''


transposition cypher. a few of you probably know this, if i remember correctly it has been used by them before, kill me with a hammer if im wrong lol. This is a more difficult one, it takes much thought for this (especially if youre stupid and have a shitbrain like me). 

; ''This particular cipher was used during American Civil War and World War I to communicate sensitive messages. The letters of the alphabet are rearranged based on pre-determined key or rule. It could be that all the words in the message are written backwards, or every pair of letters is swapped. If the rearrangement rule is complex, it might seem very difficult to decipher, however, with modern algorithms on the computer, it can be easily deciphered. For example: "the yellow car belongs to him" can become "eht wolley rac sgnoleb ot mih" when written backwards. ''

💻 TRANSLATOR : Either this one, , Or you use that little brain of yours.

this one is a MUST learn, they've used it before (if im wrong kill me with a hammer). it's the least difficult.  best way to explain is 

A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4

not that hard to get the hang of, you don't NEED memory for this (except knowing number and the alphabet), just look up the alphabet, count letter for letter you know? example:

8 5 12 12 15 9 1 13 4 1 5 22 1 20 8 5 21 19 5 18 14 1 13 5 4 19 15 9 12 23 1 20 5 18 15 14 23 1 20 20 16 1 4
 hello i am daeva the user named soilwater on wattpad

But ofc i gotchu, so if you're too lazy, here is the translator, for an easier decoding, though it can be fun to decipher it yourself.


another probable must learn. 

; '' Binary code, used in , based on a in which there are only two possible states, off and on, usually symbolized by 0 and 1. Whereas in a system, which employs 10 digits, each digit position represents a (100, 1,000, etc.), in a system each digit position represents a power of 2 (4, 8, 16, etc.). A binary code signal is a series of electrical pulses that represent numbers, characters, and operations to be performed. A device called a clock sends out regular pulses, and components such as switch on (1) or off (0) to pass or block the pulses. In binary code, each decimal number (0–9) is represented by a set of four binary digits, or . The four fundamental arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) can all be reduced to combinations of fundamental operations on binary numbers. ''

i'll list both the translator AND alphabet, since i know some like to decode it themselves and some prefer the 'easy way'. 

💻 TRANSLATOR : https://
💻 ALPHABET : http://

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