Chapter 8 : Dramatic Him , Caring Her! : Friendship Triumphs

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The day went by..
The next day -
Inayara got up from bed..

With thoughts processing in her mind about how to make up with her bestfriend

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With thoughts processing in her mind about how to make up with her bestfriend.. afterall she never meant to hurt him . Anyway , with determination that she would do it and hope that he will be okay soon , she got ready and went towards the dining room, greeted her parents , ate her breakfast , Hugged her dad and quickly went to school as she couldn't wait to talk to him.
In school -

Inayara is now walking in the corridor as usual

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Inayara is now walking in the corridor as usual.
Inayara (in mind) - I quess he must be back to his cheerful self . I will talk to him today and not coldly but also not so sweetly or else he will dance on my head.
With that she kept on waking, feeling a bit awkward as today her bestfriend was not there in the corridor to greet her like other days.. However she passed by the corridor and stepped into the classroom , Only to see that person (her best friend) sitting at a corner seat sadly she went up to him.
Inayara - Hey goodmorning 👋🏻
?? - (no response)
On getting no response, Inayara decided to further speak .
Inayara - So.. Mr. Devroy won't talk to me?
?? - It's just I won't annoy you anymore*😔*
Inayara felt bit sad seeing him like this .
Inayara - Wae??Tired already? as expected, all get tired..
?? - No , I am not but you are tired of me for sure *said sadly*
Inayara - who said?? I like this only
?? - really????? *with extreme happiness and Amaze*
Inayara - Woah! *😯* that was quick . I seriously thought you changed.
?? - I was never changed and will never.
Inayara - Yea yea ! I can see that *😏* .
?? - Aishhh~~ don't be so mean today.
Inayara - Wae? is there anything special today??
?? - Today's my Mom's birthday.
Inayara - Oh yea sorry I forgot*🥲😅* , because of your tantrums, I forgot about it . Anyways, Wish Mrs. Debroy on my behalf too
?? - Ok I will, but My mom is not Mrs. Debroy , She is Ms. Devroy . Me and my mom are both Devroy , We have no connection with those Debroys , duhh!!
Inayara- uh sorry again.. I apologise! I didn't mean it and yeah ! She is Ms Devroy .
?? - No need to apologise, Princess.. and today is the day 2 years ago , my mom left the title of being 'Mrs debroy' and became Miss DeVroy again.
Inayara- - Yeah! I remember..
?? - * becomes sad *
Inayara - yaaahh you are MR TRISHVIR DEVROY . you cannot be so sad thinking over the past and about that man . Your mom moved on from your ex father so why are you being sad right now???
Trishvir - it's because you showed sympathy and talk to me by yourself when I am sad only.. *🥺*
Inayara- What the- !??? Youuuuuu!! *Runs behind him while he runs for his life* You are such a stupid , come here you brat! *🏃🏻‍♀️*
Trishvir - I knowwwww I am stupid but only for youuuu Princess.. *🤣🤣😂* *while laughing like a maniac and running in the whole classroom*

The compatibility, the comfort level , the happiness they feel with each other , the way they console each other

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The compatibility, the comfort level , the happiness they feel with each other , the way they console each other.. is something really great . They are both so deep in friendship with each other that they forget the world while being with each other . But Who is this Trishvir ?? The question still lies here.. What is his past ? What happened to his family so bad that his parents are not together ? What impacts do it have on him?? and many more..

(In this chapter, we read Inayara wakes up determined to reconcile with her best friend, Trishvir Devroy, after their recent disagreement. She heads to school, eager to talk to him. However, upon reaching the classroom, she finds Trishvir sitting sadly in a corner. Despite his initial reluctance to talk, Inayara engages him in conversation, eventually learning that it's his mother's birthday and the anniversary of her decision to leave his father. Inayara tries to cheer him up, reminding him that his mother moved on for a reason. Trishvir appreciates her efforts and they playfully banter, showcasing their deep bond and understanding of each other. Despite their differences, they find solace and happiness in each other's company. The scene highlights the strength of their friendship and hints at Trishvir's troubled past, raising questions about his family situation and its impact on him.)

____________Chapter Over_____________

Stay tuned to know the reasons and story further .~~~~

My lovelies ! Hope you all are well , I'm a new author/writer and I hope you all will enjoy my novel series and appreciate my work and support it too..

*The song and pictures are not mine , but the entire storyline belongs to me*

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