Chapter 30 : The Nair Haveli

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Inayara sat in the backseat of the car, the cityscape whizzing by, blurring into an unrecognizable haze.

The streets were familiar, yet today, they felt foreign, like the backdrop of a story she no longer belonged to.

Her heart was heavy, weighed down by the truth she had only recently uncovered.

The words of her brothers echoed endlessly in her mind, each revelation unraveling the fabric of the life she thought she knew.

"I am a Singhania," she whispered to herself, almost as if saying it out loud would make it more real.

"The Crown Princess of the Singhania Empire."

The title felt strange, foreign, and she let it roll off her tongue once more, trying to convince herself it was true.

But how could it be?
How could her entire life have been built on a lie, a truth so well-hidden that even she had been oblivious to it?

It was as if someone had plucked her from the pages of one story and thrust her into another—

a story that demanded far more of her than she was ready to give.

Inayara clenched her hands together, feeling the coolness of her rings pressing into her skin.

She had always been a practical person, rooted in reality, but now that reality seemed to be slipping through her fingers like sand. She needed time—time to process, to understand, to accept.

As the car slowed down, nearing her home, Inayara took a deep breath. She had made a decision, one that would give her the space she needed. She would accept the truth, but on her own terms.

She wasn’t ready to fully embrace the Singhania name, not yet. There was too much to reconcile, too much to come to terms with. But she could take the first step.

When the car finally stopped, she turned to Ranvijay, who had been watching her with a mixture of concern and hope. His eyes searched hers, looking for some sign that she was okay. She offered him a small, tentative smile.

“I understand now,” she said, her voice steadier than she felt.

I know that I am your sister. But this… all of this… it’s a lot to take in. I need time, Ranvijay. I need time to adjust, to get used to everything.”

Ranvijay’s face softened, and he nodded, his relief evident.

Take all the time you need, Our precious.... Just be a bit quicker as The Singhanias.. We badly need you asap . We’re not going anywhere. We’ll be here, whenever you’re ready.”

Prince, who had been sitting quietly in the front, turned around and added,

We just want you to know that you don’t have to go through this alone. We’re here for you, no matter what.

Inayara nodded, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at their words. Despite the overwhelming nature of the truth she had discovered, she wasn’t alone in facing it.

Her brothers were here, willing to support her, to stand by her as she navigated this new reality.

Reyansh couldn't come to drop her as he was badly injured so he has been sent to home directly.

Thank you,” she said softly, her voice laced with gratitude. “I appreciate that.”

When they finally arrived at her house, Inayara hesitated before stepping out of the car.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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