Chapter 19 : Realisation Hits

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The day passed . But then arrived the other night of Darkness for Inayara .

Inayara's pov -

It's been years now.. yes years.. that I heard something good for me from someone.. Now that I heard, Alas! It's from some strangers whom I just met today . But I don't know why.. I don't even feel close and comfortable with many of those I grew up with , But those 3 Men.. The three brothers.. I felt good.. no no , I felt great , no ! I actually felt Calming around them . By people's way of talking, we can say how they must be , at least I can say . And I feel that They are known.. I don't know , The heart I thought was on the verge of dying , started to beat so fast today when I bumped for the first time , and The two Younger brothers caught me , thankfully on time . They saved me from falling 🍁

I should've felt gratitude towards them but Here I am feeling that It's their duty..
I am making no sense right now I know.. but yes After that , when I bumped onto Ranvijay Sir , His cold , hard hands..
I felt those cold hands could only now save me from the burning hell and them being hard , can protect me , be my shield!
The words they said , the way they helped me from not falling down and that's too touch me with respect, not taking any advantage.. was so Appreciable.

When Reyansh Sir said "That's our brother" , I felt he said that including me too.. But Yes it was meant for him and Prince Sir.. but I genuinely smiled today . I thought it died but No! It's still there . They are very nice .

Ranvijay Sir is someone Who reminds me of them.. The names he called me by.. Aishh No No , Inayara stop overthinking..

Aishhh It's so irrelevant to think like that.. but wait 🫸 I'm not getting any romantic thoughts , My thoughts are pure as Holy Birth..

Then why is it irrelevant?
"Maybe because It's weird to feel close to the person I just met once??"

But wait!
Why does it feel like I know them.. like I met them .. I have been with them??
Aarhhhhhh Inayara , You going to be mad , bish!
Now just sleep and Get your lazy ass up tomorrow morning orelse The soothing words you got from them , would turn to Harsh scolding if you get late .

(With that , She fell asleep , with only The Three brothers' roaming in her mind , giving no space from any other negative thoughts or past traumas to knock her mind)

Reyansh's pov -

I'm here Sitting in the City's Biggest Pub house , with wine glass 🍷 in my hand , My precious Butt on this Huge Couch.. Music 🎶 banging on full sound enough to break eardrums if played more , Lights displaying Jiggle shows , Party is rocking enough to make a dead man get up from Coffin , enjoy the night and then die . But.. I'm here..on the couch.. sitting With people all around.. Drinks , Foods , etc to eat.. But My mind.. was again and again replaying something That I tried to neglect all this time . And My heart , for the first time , was captured with Another Female's thoughts.. Aishh It's so Wrong , I shall not think of her . Ohh lord!! *Kept the drink and aside and wiped his face and sweat* I'm going to be mad now . REY!! DON'T THINK OF HER . THINK OF YOUR PRINCESS ONLY !! (self motivating)

He was busy in this war between mind and heart when His phone beeped with a message and He swept away from the Pub towards his home after reading the message.

Prince's Pov-

The Shoot just got over and Now I'm going to the Office to sign some documents urgently needed by tomorrow.
While shooting, Today.. It was epic .
The project We are currently working on , is about A Brother Sister Drama . I was offered this drama and I accepted it because I wanted to relate a bit and maybe I could learn more of How sisters are . I have one too.. Tho I don't know where she is , but I know She isn't that far away . We are here already for her .

Today , When I was acting , I never imagined anyone else rather than Chanda As My sister , but always with a blurred face as I don't know how she looks now.
But For the first time , I imagined that girl.. that girl whom I met today only and one or two interactions with , I mistakenly imagined Her face in place of Chanda..

*starts tearing up and tightened his grip on the stirring*

I can't do this . This is pure betrayal , I can't betray My sister . My princess. Chandra is Our Only sister , we cannot give any place to any other girl in our life .

*Eyes red* I hope Chanda , that we meet asap .

I cannot wait anymore, My love , My child.. Your bhaiyya is dying inside , just the hope to see you again and raise you further with Our love care and give happiness to you , is keeping me alive .

Pleasee Chanda , bacche , come back ! Now It's 15 years , Shona .
How long will we get tortured like this?

This is just getting too impossible for us to survive with . Come back , before any Other girl snatches your place . Bhaiyya told us to behave ourselves so We cannot even Shoo that girl away .

(Prince was lost in thought and tears when his phone got lightened up with a message popping up . After reading the text , she made a U-Turn and headed towards home)

Ranvijay's Pov -

Finally, the day.. where I can proudly say that Our blood is Royal and of dignity.

Me , as An elder brother, the eldest one in the home , it is my responsibility to lead my younger ones in the path of righteousness and Goodness.
I raised My two brothers with my own sweat and blood and I'm proud of it .
Still it doesn't make up for the guilt I have for these several years , not being unable to find our princess yet , for not raising her too along with Prince and Reyansh .
I know My brothers are well grown Men but there are still those Lil Prince and Rey running around for their baby sister from the heart . They crave , they suffer , they want , they bear everything just only the Hope to meet her once kept us alive.. I know it's not the right time yet to meet her , recognise her .

But I need someone to open up the locked hearts of My two brothers and give me the assurity that They would be the best brothers for their sister too .

And The person Who can do it.. Now I know who it is..

This Game started one and half decades ago , but got paused drastically.

Now The King is on the way field with his Royals to Get Back what's there's.. Now It's High Time to show fate , Who Rules..

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