Chapter 14 : Ranvijay's Confession : Sacred Vow to Reclaim

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(In the Athens Society of Proprietor)
In the broad Daylight;

Ranvijay's pov -
In the Bedroom of a Luxurious Mansion.

*Sitting on the hug couch , right infront of the bedroom's window ..
With a Glass of Red wine 🍷 in Hand..
And legs one on floor and another on the edge of table , Gazing the sky*

 And legs one on floor and another on the edge of table , Gazing the sky*

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" 4years...

It's been 4years...

Of Us three being Here in Tripura..

For the purpose of our lives..
For fulfilling it ..
For finding our Love..

For searching for our Baby sister...


It's been 15years now..

That We are seperated..
From each other....

A whole One' and a half decade..

That we spend without You with us..

Baby Sis!!

Life without you has never been an easy-go-ride for us even for a slightest moment..

We miss you..
We definitely miss you..
We want you..
We want you with us..
We love you..
We love you with all of the hearts of ours..

We physically saw you once only..
When the day , Mom came home with you..

We saw you millions and billions of times in our dreams..

My Cutest Caramel Custard
Those curdy soft and sweet Cheeks of yours..
The cutest baby
Our Chandrani..
The Baby of ours..

We will always have the regret of not seeing you growing up .
Of not holding your pretty tiny hands when you were taking first walks of yours..
We will search for you in every corner of this work..

You know sisi?
We know how hard it must be for you to survive at such a place where even the Best doctor of the state seems to be lower than Our students in the medical University we own..

That's too Without knowing Your real self..
Your real Identity..
Your own royal blooded family..
Your own Brothers..
And many more ;

But don't worry
*said while swiping a drop of tear that fell on his cheek from the heavy eyelids of his, closes his eyes and sips the wine in one go and opens the eyes all red*

I will find you !

We three will definitely have you!!
And pull you out from all this living rubbish nonsense happening since years .

*The memories of their meet with chandrani flashed through his eyes when he closed it this time.. and he gets lost in thoughts*

Your those mesmerizing pearly precious eyes ,
Sparkling with moon's light falling on it ,
Feather 🪶 like soft skin ,
Innocence overwhelmed by your cheeks ,
Softer than cotton - pink and lil heart shapped lips
The angelic aura of yours..
Everything is just so unforgettable..
It got imprinted on Our heart.. on Our mind.. on our soul.. on Us..
And with this photogenic brain of mine.. I remember every bit , every ounce of it , every small details of your face
Just saw it once but That one meet was enough to make us three brothers of yours, think dream about you forever.. for the rest of our lives..

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