Chapter 13: Inayara's Life : Haunted by Betrayed

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Year 2022 !

One night....
Inayara sat on the edge of her bed,
The weight of the world heavy on her shoulders. Memories of betrayal flooded her mind, each painful moment replaying in vivid detail. She remembered the trust she had placed in others, only to be met with deceit and abandonment.

Her father, once her rock and closest confidante, now regarded her with suspicion, his eyes filled with doubt and disappointment. The realization cut deep, adding to the loneliness and despair that consumed her.

As she sat there, enveloped in darkness, the thought of ending it all crossed her mind. But she knew she couldn't. She was all her father had left, and if she were to leave this world, there would be no one to care for him, to protect him from the cruelty of the world.

Tears streamed down her face as she grappled with the pain and loneliness that threatened to consume her. She felt trapped, suffocated by the weight of her responsibilities and the emptiness of her heart.

But somewhere deep within her, a flicker of hope remained. A tiny voice whispered that perhaps, one day, things would get better. That the wounds of betrayal would heal, and she would find the strength to rise above the pain and reclaim her life...
While these in thoughts.. She falls asleep..

Next morning:

Inayara's Pov-

A new day..

A new morning..


Nothing new in my Life..

Except those troubles and issues coming one after another?

Yes ! Indeed..

It's been years now.. Yes years!

Of Those whispers!

Which threatens me every now and then I hear it ..

Those mysterious murmures , I don't know!!
I don't know
From where I get to hear those but Yes I do get to hear them..

This always rise a question in my mind , soul and heart..that is ;

What does My destiny hold for me ?

It's been 4 years now..

4 freaking years!!

From the day I turned 11 to till now that I am 15 years old..

*Starts tearing up*

The world has been cruel..
Very much cruel towards me..

At this very young age ,
I got to suffer every moment..

Physically Mentally and Emotionally..

I want myself..
My own self backk!!
I cannot..
Cannot take this anymore..

Just Getting my Freaking self back would heal me now..

Who doesn't?
Who doesn't want their own self??
Everyone do!!
Yes.. All do..


When I do , they call me Selfish??


Is that am I??

Am I being selfish??

Just asking my freaking self back..

How does it turn me Selfish???

Am I that bad? Or that Vulnerable?
Can't I stand for what's right ??

Am I wrong to think for my own goodness???

How the freak can I be wrong??

Wrong thinking about the goodness?
Wrong because I walk on the path of truth??
Maybe That's why I consider the world so cruel to be..
Am I at the fault??
Am I to be blamed ????

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