Chapter 44

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                CLAIDE RODRIGUEZ POV.

     I looked out the tiny window of the jet, relieved to see the airport come into view.
I couldn't help feeling nervous. It has been almost ten years, and I couldn't help but wonder how Jennifer's appearance would be?
    Is she still silly and fierce, like before? 

    My last visit here wasn't pleasant, infact it was a total screw up, Hermann was never a fond of me and probably my last visit made it worse, he never reached out or called me in a mission for ten years. If this was a ghosting competition, he would have taken the win.
It really didn't bother me long. I got used to it. I got used to living without hearing or seeing Jennifer. 
  The plane was taxed to a stop, and I retrieved my briefcase from the overhead compartment. I drew a breath to calm my over pounding heart before I resolutely joined the mass of humanity teeming for the exist. Perhaps this was a wrong idea, I swore to never step foot here, and now here I am swallowing my pride,
   " Lovely city, isn't it?" A woman whispered to me, and I grimaced in agreement although my mind and heart roamed somewhere else as my eyes scanned the crowd. Then I wondered who might be coming to pick me up.
  My attention was snagged by a dark red bodycon dress. A stunning woman carrying a black coat.
  She had long legs and dark hair to the length of her shoulders. I struggled to catch sight of her face, but she buried her head,
  Just then, my name coursed through the address system. Clutching my briefcase, as I frowned in failure, I moved to the attendant's desk.

                      GENEVIEVE POV.

  I leaned against a column, exhausted. 
My thoughts ran back to Norman, and I sighed. As the night of passion torments my memories, I drew a breath,  keeping myself steady. 
   "I wonder who is he with?" I couldn't miss the predatory tone of a blonde woman beside me, followed the direction of her stare.
  Everything paused for a while. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. In his early thirties, with dark hair slicked back and broad shoulders draped in a dark navy Armani jacket, he moved towards the attendant's booth with feline grace.
  Curious,  I watched as more than a few women slowed their hurried pace upon catching sight of him.
   To my surprise, the Delta clerk pointed in my direction. The man turned, and I could feel his gaze assessing me behind the glasses.
   I knew his stare from the back of my heart, the only man that could make my heart pound in excitement. 

    He walked towards me. When he was close enough, he removed his sunglasses.
Our gazes met, and I was brought up short. Suddenly, the torments from the night of passion vanished instantly, I forgot all that because I was losing myself in that gaze.
   Ten years—it has been that long.
He broke the silence. " You've been waiting for me?" he asked. 
   "You have no idea how long?" I murmured with my glassy eyes.

                CLAIDE RODRIGUEZ POV.

    Her eyes were expressive and syrupy-soft, the colour of fine brandy. They caught me and held, mesmerised.
   She wasn't a pretty sixteen year old girl anymore, but a stunning woman.
  When I spoke to her, Her reply was more in a whisper that I heard perfectly well. Her glassy eyes told me more than her stumbling words could, and in return, i held her to me. That was all I could do. It was all I could offer, and I felt utterly useless for that little in my power.

                       NORMAN POV.

   I played dump, but I always knew. There's always going to be a force pulling them back. No matter how far apart they will go from each other, their souls will remain aware of one another.
    Claide arrived an hour ago, I stood at the window looking down at the two of them for quite a long time.
   I observed how Genevieve giggled when Claide cracked jokes and how he glared at her when she's not aware of it.
    I was probably supposed to be down an hour ago and welcome him back, but for certain reasons, my body refused to.
    The way she introduces him to everyone as if his her new trophy. 

     Then, Richard crossed the room to stand right beside me, "it's been nearly ten years, " he said soberly. "I didn't think they could still be so close."
    "Do you have anything good to say, or did you just come to gloat?" Richard has always been the one warning me about falling too deep while himself was happily married, no grudges held, but at least he had the woman he longed for.
   "Actually,  I have bad news. I just got off the phone with Mateo. Carlos has been poisoned by Cora, and unfortunately, she took Morgan with her. "
    "Damn!" I slammed my fist onto the desk. "Did you find their heads on?"
  Richard shook his head, lighting up his cigarette.  "Tho, I have the best men tracking them,"
    "And you didn't say it sooner?" Miguel gave a snort of disbelief as he bugged in.
    "And what would you have done?" Richard challenged. 
    "Enough," Genevieve said as she followed in with Claide behind her, Her gaze on mine, but I ignored them instantly. "Welcome back. "
    "It's nice to be home." Claide replied immediately with a simple grin.
    "I heard, " Eve said, "what's the plan?"
    "As I said, I sent out the best men tracking them. What Cora did is suspicious, but it gives us a gate way through, " Richard said.
    "You think she might be working with Roberto?" I asked curiously. 
     "If not, then what would she want with Morgan?" Genevieve puzzled up.
    "While Richard and Miguel are dealing with Morgan, Genevieve, and Claide—" just by mentioning their two names together stabs my heart. "Will work on the plan. Everyone stays in position. I'll prepare the men. " I said

   They agreed.

Thank you, my darling readers, for reading this chapter. Stay tuned for more coming up.
   NB: ignore any grammatical errors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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