•O N E•

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Present day


"wait so let me get this straight... the main character dies at the end?"

I scoff, tossing my papers over to Farleigh who grabs them and reads them over with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Yeah, the underlying meaning is she spent her whole life longing for what she wanted without realising she didn't use the time to enjoy what she had." I say matter-of-factly, frowning at my best friend who still had that stupid expression on his face.

"No offence, but this is so confusing, it's frying my brain cells." He says bluntly.

"Yeah, the little brain cells you have left." I scowl, snatching the paper out of Farleigh's hand.

"What's that all about?" I hear Felix ask lazily from the floor of my dormitory, star-fished and staring at the ceiling with a cigarette in his hand.

"My English assignment." I groan, stretching out my arms before flicking through it once more. The floor creaks as Felix stands up, stumbling towards the bed me and Farleigh sat on.

"Lemme see." He mumbles and I pass him the paper, shuffling back so he can sit down.

The moonlight that's leaking through my window catches the bare skin on Felix's back, and I force myself to look away as the muscles in his back ripples while he adjusts his posture. Instead, my eyes settle on the stud embedded into his eyebrows, a sign of rebellion he had decided on last August. I helped him pierce it, he whined like a child.

"I like it." Felix states, interrupting my eye-fucking session.

"Hm?" I reply stupidly.

"Yeah, the emotive language you use in it shows the despair and longing the main character feels. You captured the feeling of want perfectly." He passes the paper back to me and I give Farleigh a sarcastic smile, who in return rolls his eyes.

"See? Maybe your brains just so small it can't comprehend a good story when it sees it." I mutter harshly, eyes following Felix who returned to his spot on my bedroom floor.

"Okay, still doesn't take away from the fact it's fucking boring! I mean, wheres the love interest? Where's the steamy sex scene? Its hardly a plot if there's no sex."

"First off, not every book written has to have smut In it. Also , I'm sure if I gave our teacher a grade A porno, Mr Hutt would go into cardiac arrest."

"It would give him something to jerk off to." Felix butts in, pointing his finger at me. I scoff at the childishness of my two friends before leaning back against my headboard.

"Well, it's due today so I have no choice but to turn it in."

"Like I said, it's great. There's no need to worry." Felix says with a waving hand.

"It's utter shit. Like the biggest pile of shit I've ever read in my life."

"Farleigh, there isn't alot stopping me from ramming this up your arse." I say between clenched teeth, chucking my pillow at him and he laughs before sending it flying across the room towards Felix. He's completely unbothered, in a little world of his own as he places the pillow used to assault him under his head.

"Well, you still have time to edit it. We've got dinner after this." The American accent on Farleigh was one I used to admire, but it's slowly turning into irritating hatred the more he keeps critiquing my work.

"I'm not going to edit it, because it's already absolutely fine."

"Well when you get a U (upgradeable) for being a boring bitch, don't come crying to me-"

"Can you both shut the fuck up?" I hear felix interupt. I cross my arms, giving a glare to Farleigh who looks satisfied in his accomplishment of pissing me off.

"It's whatever. Cmon, get a shirt on. We have dinner." I walk towards my wardrobe and shuffle through the unfolded mess of clothes, pulling out a shirt Felix had left here from last time he had stayed over. I toss it and he catches, pulling it over his head.

"You both argue like a married couple." He states and I flip him off, but the grin on my face is evident.

We all exit my dorm, taking the small walk out of the dormitories and towards the dining hall.

The loud chatter and warmth of the nearing summer is slightly overestimulating, but I chew the plush of my lip and push through some of the queue, grabbing my usual plate of salad and a peach. I huff out a sound of relief as I finally make it back to my usual seat, followed by Farleigh who sits by my right and felix by my left.

As per usual, all the girls lined up on the table have their eyes fixed onto Felix, who is passionately discussing something with a peer opposite him. They all ogle, drool practically dribbling on their chin. It was kind of pathetic, and it secretly made me happy knowing I was the only one out of all the girls on this table who was close to felix. Sure, they'd probably been fucked by him. But that's the closest they'd ever get. Sex meant nothing to Felix. You'd only ever unpeel the raw and honest layer of him if you were as close to him as I was. And even then, I got that role by default. I've known him for My whole life.

"Someone's gone green-eyed." I hear Farleigh mutter in my ear, and I whip my head round to see him displaying that shit- eating grin of his. I frown in confusion, tilting my head.

"About what?" I ask honestly.

"Oh please, we both know you hate it when Felix gains a crowd."

No matter how nice you could be to Farleigh, he will always be a bitter bitch.

"I don't care that Felix is popular, if that's what your referring."

"No, not that. Your jealous because he's getting attention from someone who's not you."

That hit harder then it should have.

Just as I'm about to protest, a loud slam coming from the table on the left side causes the whole hall to go quiet.


The shouting is coming from the other table as I guessed, voice belonging to Michael Gavey. Some nobody who seemed abit too passionate about his mathematic talent.

On further inspection, I notice a boy sitting infront of him. It's would be hard to recognise him, since his head is turnt away from me, but I still have the feeling I've never seen him before.

If one person is going to know about the knew kids, it's going to be the idiot on my right.

I tap the side of his arm with my hand.

"Who's that boy infront of Gavey?" I ask, eyebrows furrowed as I sit up in my seat, trying to get a better glance.

"No idea, but his social life is over if he keeps hanging around with Michael." Farleigh comments and I shrug in agreement. Popularity here was kind of like a hierarchy. If you weren't popular, you were an outcast. There was rarely an inbetween. However I never really had a problem with that, I was fairly social and Felix Catton was my best friend, for fucks sake.

The boy we were talking about in question turns his head slightly. At first, I thought he was looking at me. But I seemed to be completely outside of his gaze upon further notice, in fact, his eyes were locked onto Felix. My stomach turns. For some reason, the way this boy was staring at Felix made my insides go all squirmy. It was kind of freaky, actually. How his eyes didn't drag away until Michael Gavey had to tap his shoulder to get his attention again.

What a freak.

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