•E I G H T•

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"I dont believe you."

Me and Farleigh turn to eachother with a baffled look before looking back at Felix.

"What do you mean you don't believe us? We're your best friends and I think you should believe the people you've known your whole life over some charity case you picked up over summer." I whisper harshly, betrayal flashing through my eyes.

"Charity case? Ci, your being ridiculous."

"No felix, you are! We watched your sister make out Oliver, what else would you like us to say?"

"They were practically eating eachother." Farleigh scoffs.

He looks up at the ceiling, as if it's going to give him any answers before looking back to us.

"I know. Listen - I'll talk to him about it and if I think he's lying then he'll be gone by this afternoon."

I sigh, shaking my head slowly.

"Seriously, Felix. You need to get him in check. Keep a serious eye on him." I say sternly.

I was still yet to tell anyone about the bathroom incident, and I planned to keep it that way. Especially after last night's event, if I told Felix now he would think I was just lying to get Oliver out of Saltburn.

"Yeah okay, I've got it. Seriously, stop worrying. It's just Oliver, I hardly doubt he's of any harm. Can I go back to bed now?" He whisper shouts, frowning slightly.

I nod, biting the inside of my cheek.

"I get your worried, and I appreciate it. But I promise you, I'm going to be okay."

He walks back into his room, and I turn to Farleigh.

"What do you thinks going to happen?" I ask quietly, walking with him down the hallway.

"He'll be kicked out, obviously." He states matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, but you know what felix is like. He's a total empath, he'll just end up forgiving him." I mutter.

"Yeah, but we all know including Felix that a repeat of an Eddie incident wouldn't do him any good. He needs to learn how to put his foot down." Farleigh replies.

"Do you think this is a repeat of the eddie incident?" I ask, coming to a standstill.

He stops, scrunching his face up in thought.

"No. I have a feeling something alot more complex is happening


[No point of view]

"Hey, felix. Is everything okay?" Asks Oliver, laying down on the deck chair next to Felix.

Felix purses his lips before answering.
"Yeah, why?"

"You seemed annoyed about something."

"I'm not annoyed about anything." Felix retorts bitterly.


There's a long awkward pause before Felix takes off his headphones, looking over at Oliver.

"It's just slightly bad form, that's all."

"What's bad form?"

"What do you think? Getting with venetia, ollie." Felix replies. He's not used to being so confrontational, but he knew he had to to find out the truth.

He wanted Cecilia to be wrong. He really wanted it to be her and Farleigh exaggerating. But he knew deep down Cici was hardly ever wrong about these kind of things. She was an observer. She could tell you how it all went start to finish.

H O N E Y [Felix Catton]Where stories live. Discover now