•E P I L O G U E•

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My legs swing from the roof as the sun rises, shades of orange and yellow circling the sky. The summer breeze runs through my curls and leaves me with a feeling of contentment. Something I haven't felt since that week here at Saltburn.

Oliver has obviously left, and we haven't heard from him since. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't show up at Oxford. He had the right mind to, god knows what would happen if I ever saw his face again.

Farleigh was welcomed back into Saltburn, after everything was explained to Elspeth. I didn't tell her about Oliver's threat, or the altercation, because I don't think I was ready to tell anyone about that yet. It all was too fresh for me.

I was still lost on what to do with my inheritance. It was an amazing sum of money, but was still so much for little old me to figure out. I got in touch with my mother's solicitor, and he agreed until I was ready to even think of investing it in anything I should keep it safe and away. I think I have an idea of what I want to spend it on, though (a house for me and Felix, when we get older. Although I may be planning ahead too soon).

I've never felt better. The secret I had kept hidden for years, was now out in the open. And it wasn't mortifying, or embarassing.

Because he felt the same way.

I press my head against Felix's shoulder, our hands entwined as we look over at Saltburn's garden.

"I think this has been the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me." I say with a small laugh.

"How so?" He asks.

"Worst; because I had to deal with... him for a week. But also best; because if you'd never had met him, then I would never have told you that I liked you."

"I thought you loved me?" He says dramatically and I giggle.

"You know what I meant."

"Also, I think you would have told me regardless. You don't need someone else to give you that little shove, your strong enough on your own."

"That's debateable. I wouldn't have considered it if Farleigh didn't give me a pep talk before hand." I grin, looking up at him.

"Well, you did it. And I'm so glad you did. Because I love you, Cecilia Rowe. With my whole heart."

"I love you more, Felic catton."

We both look back over to the court yard, a comfortable silence merging between us.

"You think we will ever have kids?" He blurts out and I fall into a laughing fit, holding my stomach.

"What? I'm being serious." He says with a chuckle.

"Well, I guess I haven't thought about it. It's abit soon, you know."

"Yeah... but I wanna think about it. Technically, we could have kids whenever we wanted. We're not exactly tight on money, are we, love?"

I giggle, shaking my head.

"I guess not. What would we name her?"

"What makes you think its a girl?"

"I just know it. We will have a little girl, I can feel it." I reply enthusiastically.

"Mmph, I don't know. I'm not good with names."

I look back at the sky, and with a small smile on my face, I think of the perfect name.

"How about Honey?"

He pauses in thought before replying.

"That's perfect. A little girl: Honey."

I grin, tugging his shirt playfully and he gets the memo, letting our lips collide.

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