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[I'd suggest rereading chapter twelve if you are confused !!]

"He couldn't hold his surprise, which is alot considering this is felix were talking about. He runs through girls like it's a track race" I say with a scoff.

"Can I be honest with you?"

"When are you not?"

Farleigh grins.

"We all know you have a thing for Felix. But your both so fucking clueless! It's infuriating. And I can tell Felix likes you aswell. So for the love of God, find him and just fucking spit it out! Because trust me, he will move on. To some posh, rich white girl who's just about as shallow as his own mother. As his cousin, I'd rather him be with someone I've known my whole life and who I trust then some random who I will probably end up despising."

This whole rant has me judging my options. Could I really admit my feelings to Felix? What if he doesn't like me like that?

"Farleigh, I couldn't ruin our friendship-"

"It's never been a friendship! It has always been something more, and you can't deny that."

He was right. It wasnt as if I had felt the same for Farleigh than I did for Felix, when I was equally close to both of them. Me and Felix had something else. Love.

I sigh.

"I love him too much to ruin what we have, Farleigh. Maybe one day I could tell him, but for now, I'm perfectly happy the way things are. Just us three, as always."

Farleigh isn't one to give a genuine smile, but when he does, it fills me with reassurance. He's going to be there for me no matter what happens. That's something I'll always love him for.

"Okay." He finally says with a nod. He throws the donkey hat to the side and gives me the classic Farleigh Smirk.

"Oh god, I've seen that look before." I say, crossing my arms.

"What have you got planned?"

"To get absolutely shitfaced, obviously."

I giggle as he pulls my hand, both of us cramped with laughter as we run towards Saltburn, ready to (as Fareligh would say) get absolutely shit faced.


He's gone.

I woke up on the kitchen counter, glass bottles and plastic cups surrounding me. I roll over onto the floor with a groan, my limbs now aching more then they already were.

The house is a state, of course. It always was after a Saltburn party. Furniture is put out of place, the floor covered in sticky liquid.

I stand up slowly, the blood rushing to my head as I stumble around the room before eventually managing to get into the hallway. Only then do I notice the amount of footmen and people rushing through the hallway in such a frantic state, it was clear something was wrong. I slowly tread downstairs, finding myself in the main room. Duncan was standing, hand pressed against his forehead as his forehead was creased in concern.

Despite the state of myself, I walk up to him, squinting at the light.

"What's going on?" I rasp, and it seems as if he barely acknowledges my words, shaking his head furiously in an almost manic state.

"Duncan, what is it?" I repeat, placing a hand onto his arm. His whole body jerks and I pull my hand back quickly.

"Felix. Felix is... missing."

My heart stops.

What did he mean? Felix didn't go missing. I saw him less then eight hours ago. It was impossible. He had been here the whole party, from what I know. And even then, he would always tell someone if he was leaving. He wasn't the type of person to leave without notice.

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