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T.W: I think you can guess what scene this is but all I'm going to say is bathtub 😁!

After dinner, I do my normal night routine: Showering, moisturising, skin care, hair products and then putting it all in a bonnet. I put on my pyjamas, which consists of a shirt I grew out of three years ago and faded pink PJ shorts.

I brush my teeth, and then get ready to Settle into bed and finish a chapter of one of the school assigned books, when I remember I gave it to Felix to hold onto yesterday.

I slide on my slippers, trotting out my room quietly before doing the long trek to Felix's room (on the other side of the mansion). I knock on the door, waiting patiently for an answer.

The door swings open and I see Felix, towel wrapped around his hips. I try my best not to stare but I can't even blame myself when my eyes wander down his torso, chiselled figure only highlighted by the dim light of the hallway.

"You alright?" He whispers, leaning against the doorframe effortlessly.

"Uh- yeah. I need that book." I say, smiling through red cheeks.

"Oooh, yeah that's near my nightstand somewhere. I need to go for a sec, gonna get a glass of water."

I nod, letting him walk by and I enter his room.

It hasn't changed so much since last summer, the scent of cologne and oranges linger in the air. I wouldn't want to be a snoop, so I quickly walk over to his nightstand, looking in thr first drawer for my book.

To my dismay, there's no sign of a book. I'm about to look in the second drawer when I flinch at a sound, coming from the bathroom.

I choose not to react at first, knowing its probably Oliver getting in the bath, but I realise the sound of the pipes flooding with water below me confirm the bath isn't running. It was draining.

What could this mean? The loud thump could have been Oliver falling, he might be hurt.

I walk to the door slowly, not peeping instantly in case I did in fact traumatise myself with the image of Oliver's bare self. I listen for noise, keeping my ear close to the door that stood slightly ajar.

I hear a soft moan, and my face screws up in disgust. What the fuck was he doing in there?

You know that part when I said I wasn't going to be a snoop? Yeah, I'm a total liar.

I shift the door open by mere inches, knowing any more force it would creak. This was an old building, I had to be careful.

I peak my head through, narrowing my eyes as I try to work out the situation.

Oliver is hunched over the bath, clothes still on, face pressed against the porcelain of the tub. I frown at the sight. Is he... okay? I'm not so sure what to do.

It's only when I hear the sounds of soft slurping, followed by another perverted moan, do I gather what was happening.

My lips part in horror, breath caught in my throat as I try to think of every other possible excuse for whatever the fuck Oliver was doing.

Maybe the drain is blocked? He lost an eye contact? I mean, he did wear glasses usually.

Fuck all that. What I'm witnessing now is borderline perversion. And yet I'm stuck on the spot, unable to do anything as he continues to drink the remnants of what I assume to be Felix's bath water.

"What... the fuck." I mutter, not realising I had said it out loud. My heart drops as Oliver's head flings up from the bath, demented eyes boring into mine and I yelp, slamming the door shut with such force I'm surprised it didn't come off.

I run out the room, not watching where I was going, and banging into a hard surface. Two memorable arms wrap around my waist, stabling me as my eyes search frantically for who was holding me.

Felix. It's just felix.

"Bloody hell, could've taken me out there." He chuckles, but his smile fades when he sees the mortified expression on my face.

"Are you okay?" Felix asks in concern, raising a warm palm to my forehead.

"You look pale, have you been drinking?"

My words are failing to work its way out my mouth, and I'm frozen on the spot. The only warmth in my body coming from the warm hand placed on my head.

"I am... fine. Just tired." I finally manage to whisper. I'm shocked at my own lie.

"Okay.." He says, eyebrows furrowing as he stares at me weirdly.

"Did you get your book?"

"No, no luck. Sorry, I should really get to bed." I say, rushing away quickly back to the others side of Saltburn.

When I finally make it back to my room, I lean against the door, falling to my knees.

I just lied to Felix's face. I don't think I've lied to felix in years, aside from when I planned his surprise birthday party.

The same eyes flickered through my head. Those same, blue, alarmed eyes. His pupils were fully dilated, as if he was genuinely enjoying whatever he was doing before he caught me watching. It makes me feel nauseous. But what makes me feel even worse was the fact I couldn't bring myself to tell Felix. How could I? He had been so happy to bring Oliver to Saltburn. The look in his eyes when he talked about him. Even if it irritated me so, how happy he was with his 'other best friend', I still felt some sort of happiness for him. How could I be the one to ruin that for him?

I stare at the moon that gazes at me through my window. Even though I just watched what I can only class as traumatising, the little white planet watching me from thousands of miles away followed by herds of stars surrounding it, brought me a slice of comfort when I eventually doze off with my back pressed against the door.

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