•F I V E•

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[I'm trying to follow this in the direction of the movie, so this chapter is just loads of different snippets like the summer montage in the movie as well as scenarios of my own ^_^]

I wander around the gardens aimlessly in the morning after breakfast, becoming once again familiar with the sights around me. All of it brought back fuzzy memories; like me and Felix running through the maze, or us playing tag in the grass fields.

Just as I'm passing said grass fields, I hear the soft sound of a radio playing, along with a low chuckle belonging to Felix. I push through the grass, treading with bare feet over thistles before I finally reach a few feet away from all my friends.

... who are all currently naked.

"Fucking hell!" I yell, whipping my head to the side with a disgusted look.

"Oh, come on. No clothes allowed in the field!" Farleigh exclaims and I groan, finally letting my eyes set on the pair, and Venitia.

"Felix, your sister is naked ten feet away from you. For fucks sake!" I groan, still squinting to somehow obscure my vision.

He laughs, throwing his head back. My eyes return back to normal.

"I can't see her. Listen, if your really all frigid about it, go sit over there with her. We won't look. Pinky swear." He grins, and both him and Farleigh raise their pinkies teasingly.

I swear under my breath, dropping my sunglasses back over my eyes as if it was somehow going to help with my modesty.

"I thought we abandoned this tradition years ago." I mumble, peeling off my shirt and reaching behind my back to clip off my bra.

I hear a wolf whistle and I whip my head around to see Felix wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Look away, you perv!" I screech.


My eyes are fluttered shut as the sunlight beams down on my skin, freckles blooming in the light. I listen to the faint sounds of venitia paddling herself in the pool with her floatie, and Felix turning the pages of his book.

"Do you think hermione, Harry and ron all have threesomes?" Felix blurts out.

"Oh, without out a fucking doubt." Farleigh replies casually.

"You think they all fuck?"

"Their missing out on a opportunity if they're not."

"Ew, seriously gross, you lot." I scold, scrunching my nose up.

"What? I'm just stating the obvious." Felix says defensively.

"Yeah, but that's like me, you and Farleigh fucking. It's like, totally weird."

"Yeah but me and Farleigh are cousins, that's a whole different ballpark."

I scoff, and without opening my eyes, I flip off Felix.

"I'm crushed." He says dramatically.

"Oh hush, you." We both giggle.


My lips are parted as I watch the screen intently, me and the rest of the Catton family (including Farleigh and Oliver) watching 'The Ring'.

Venitia screeches, clinging onto my arm and I laugh, throwing popcorn into my mouth.

"I want to know what hair growth oil she's using." I say nonchalantly.

"Why is she wet?" Elspeth asks.

"Because she's been in a well, mum!" Felix exclaims, causing me to chuckle.


My legs dangle over the roof, cigarette in hand as the sun hits my skin. The air is abit cooler, as the sun fades into the horizon, skies going darker slowly.

The smoke circles me, the loss of wind causing it to float in the air.

I hear the crackle of the gravel make my head whip around and I spot Felix. I smile, letting him take a seat next to me on the ledge.

"It's getting cold, you coming back in?" He asks.

"It's so pretty out here." I mumble, passing him my cig out of instinct.

"It is." He agrees, and I turn my head to look at him, only to see he's already staring at me. I smile warmly, taking the bud from him and having a last pull before stubbing it out.

"I'm really glad your here." He says, lips curving into a small smile.

"Of course. It's not like I'm ready to go home anytime soon, anyways." I admit, crossing my hands over my arms.

"Well, you know Saltburn is always open to you."

"I dont want to overstay my visit." I reply, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Your mother hates it when people stay for too long."

"Yes, but your like family." He says it kindly, but I cringe evidently.

"Ew, that better not make me your sister."

"You what?"

"That's so gross!"  I push him and he laughs, throwing his arm round me and forcing me close.

"What would you rather be then?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all. Just your best friend. That's completely fine with me."

He smiles, something hidden in his eyes when he stares down at me.

"Its perfect." He says and I grin, looking back at the setting sun.


"Fuck you, Felix catton!" I yell, running to him, racket in hand and he ducks making me yell in frustration.

"I got that fair and square." He argues, raising his arms.

"How am I supposed to play this game if I'm in this stupid dress?" I grunt, stretching the very un-stretchable fabric that layed tight against my body.

"I can vouch for leah. Playing tennis in a dress is like rollerskating on ice. Just doesn't work." Venitia adds, tutting at her brother jokingly and I give a smug smile of triumph.

"Of course you side with her, betraying your only brother. Your heartless." He sighs, placing a hand on his heart.

"Do stop, you sound like Farleigh." I roll my eyes.

"I heard that!"

I giggle, swiping the bottle of champagne out of Olivers hand.

"Don't be a hog." I smirks, leaning up against the metal fence of the tennis court.

"Sorry." He replies with a nervous laugh.

"You can relax, you know. There's no need to be so stiff. It's Saltburn. If Elspeth's not here, no one cares." I say, taking a large swig out the bottle.

He stares at me beading before looking over at felix, who was laughing with Venitia.

"So, you've known Felix for a while?" He says, ignoring my words completely.

I give him the bottle, playing with the racket in my hand.

"Sure, since we was babies." I shrug, smiling at the sight of Felix play fighting with Vee.

"You know, I'd never do anything to get between you two." He speaks.

My eyes widen and I turn my head to look at him, noticing the gap between us had gotten awfully small.


"I get it. You and Felix are best friends. You two against the world. I'm not bothered about that, I wouldn't try to sabotage it."

I bite my lip in thought, before nodding slowly.

"I know that."

"I don't think you do."

His comment is rude, but I don't even feel the need to argue, because he's right.

"Well, I know that now. I believe you, is what I'm saying."

I grab the bottle, taking another large gulp before shoving it into his chest.

"Your not half bad, Oliver." I grin, backing away before running up to my friends again.

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