•T H I R T E E N•

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I'm quick on my feet, even with heels, and I soon manage to remain a good distance from Oliver, but close enough to see where he's going.

It's not like I could get lost, I knew this maze like the back of my hand. I was just praying that Oliver wasn't as smart, and would get lost and give up.

However, that obviously wasn't the case as he slows down, reaching the center of the maze.

I can hear the sound of panting and hushed whispers, and it makes me feel truly nauseous as I watch Oliver peer round the Bush, watching it all like a peeking Tom.
I press my hand against my mouth to shut myself up, and its now I thought back to when Oliver wasn't here. When everything was perfect. Me, Felix and Farleigh. The summer breaks where there wasn't a worry about my mother or now supposedly Ollie, and when we felt the most free. The world was our oyster, and nothing could bring us down. It was us against the world.

But it's all changed now. And it could all change a great deal if this went any further.

I have to crouch so he won't see me, and he turns to the side slightly. I notice a bottle of champagne in his hand, along with a small baggie of a powder. I guess it was coke, but I found it abit odd as to why he would rack up a line right now. But the puzzle pieces start to click together when he pours thr contents into the bottle, swirling it around quickly.

I audibly gasp, and he whips his head around so quickly I'm scared he would see me as I crouch down to the floor. He slowly turns his head away, and my whole body feels a rush of relief.

He stumbles into the opening, now visible to Felix and India. This could not be good. I slowly move to his previous spot, moving my head to the side as I watch it all unfold infront of me

I hear the sound of Felix's slurred words, and India's annoyance at ollie's appearance. She walks away and I press myself against the Bush, but she sees me. To my luck, she doesn't say anything but scoff and walk away.

I look back over and it takes everything in me not to rush over and say something. But now is too soon. I need him to do something, something I could use to prove how sick he was. I needed the truth out in the open, and this could be my last ever opportunity to do that.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Oliver? Leave me the fuck alone!" I hear Felix yell, but it doesn't seem like Oliver is backing down anytime soon. He objects, trying to take Felix's hand and my teeth clench.

"You can't just throw me away." He slurs out, and I could almost scoff if this was in any other more light-hearted and less sick of a situation. My heart beats in pride when Felix shoves him away, and even though he doesn't know I'm here, he has my silent support. He's finally putting his foot down.

"Get the fuck away from me." He mutters.

But Oliver isn't backing down, and I get the impression he won't be anytime soon unless Felix gives in. He grabs Felix by his shirt.

"Look, I just gave you what you wanted. Like everyone else does!
Everyone puts on a show for Felix. So I’m sorry if my performance wasn’t good enough." The way his voice cracks makes me seem like this was leading to a confession, and this only made me feel more sure in the fact Felix would be able to see him for the sick fuck that he was.

"I think.. I think you need to see someone. You need help, okay? Seriously."

Thank fuck. Felix has come to his senses.

"No. No, I don’t. I just need you to
understand how much I fucking love

Everything else isn't audible to me. I'm filled with such a rage, I can barely control myself. There is no way this boy had slithered his way into my life, burdened me with his threats all week and then confesses his 'love' to my best friend. This wasn't love. It wasnt anything but - it was obsession. Perversion. I couldn't even find the right way to describe whatever the fuck was going on in his head.

H O N E Y [Felix Catton]Where stories live. Discover now