•T E N•

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I wake up to my shoulders being shaked frantically and in flinch, putting my hands over my face in defence. After last night, I was up for hours. I think I only got three hours of sleep. So its safe to say I had my guard up.

But on further notice, I see it's just Farleigh, a panicked expression on his face.

"Cecilia, fucking wake up!" The use of my full name makes me sit up in my bed, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"What is it?" I ask, clearing my throat.

"They think I've taken something."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I groan, standing up and he quickly tugs me out of my room. Despite my overall appearance, I let him walk me out and we approach the staircase, Elspeth and Duncan waiting.

"I swear to god this has to be-"

"Enough." Elspeth says sternly, cutting Farleigh off completely.

"There has to me some sort of mistake. Why would Farleigh steal anything?" I ask, trying to reason with Elspeth. But there was hardly any chance of changing her mind, whenever she was set on something, it was very rare you could make her think otherwise.

"Move." Duncan instructs, putting a hand on Farleigh's shoulder. I frown, giving Farleigh a last look before looking over at Elspeth.

"What did he take?" I highly doubt he had taken anything, but I still wanted a general idea of what he had been framed of stealing.

Before she can reply, soft murmurs are hears from up the staircase and we both look up. Felix, venitia and Oliver are peering down, ducking their heads away when they see we noticed.


Venitia is laying on the Dock of the pond, me sitting next to her, feet in the water.

"I mean, it's outrageous!" She says and I bite my lip in thought.

"What would he even take?" I murmur, swirling my feet in the water.

"He sent an email to Sotheby's to say he'd 'come by' some Palissy plates. I mean, the idiot. He had have known Dad went to school with the chairman." Felix answers, and I shake my head, not daring to look over at him In case i met eyes with the boy sat next to him.

Me and Felix had chosed not to mention last night's argument, and made a silent agreement to just brush it over.

"I mean, talk about biting the hand. Mum and dad would have given him anything he asked for!" Vee exclaims.

"It doesn't make any sense." I sigh, shaking my head.

Despite Farleigh being his catty-self, I was abit gutted he had to leave so soon. He felt like I was the only one to talk to. Felix was to strung on Oliver, venitia is well... venitia. And I'd rather  jump of the Saltburn roof then ever talk to Oliver again.

"Well, he obviously got sick of asking."

"Felix, he's more spoilt then us." I say, tilting my head towards him, making sure to not switch my gaze to Oliver.

"Come on, Ci. You have to admit. It's a little bit dark, you know, him having to go to mum and dad with the begging bowl."

"Oh, boo-fucking-hoo." Venitia states.

"Your just repeating his own words." I retort.

"Alright, yes, fine, it was incredibly fucking stupid-" Felix starts, but before he can finish Elspeth and James are walking to the pond, not a care in the world.

This is what they always did, acted like nothing had ever happened. Even the worst of things couldn't phase them.

As they both ramble on about the weather, venitia rises from her spot, wet hair making drops of water trickles down her skin.

"What happened to your neck?" She says, lowering her glasses while tilting her head in observance.

I swallow nervously, feelings someone's eyes glaring at me from the side for an answer.

"Left my necklaces on last night, just tightened around my neck." I reply meekly.

She shrugs, lowering her hair back into the pond.


It's the next day, and one look at the mirror confirms how ghastly I actually looked.

Sunken eyes, deep eyebags embedded in my skin. The red ring around my neck has turnt an ugly shade of green, confirming it was going to bruise purple later on.

I couldn't go out like this, I wouldn't want anyone to see how distraught I actually was. I manage to put on enough concealer for a burn victim on my neck to cover up the bruise, but I didn't know if it's stay considering the weather.

This was ridiculous. How I was covering injuries that Oliver had made. I should show Felix or someone, get home as far away from Saltburn as quick as possible. Back to the hellhole he has crawled out of. But  the threat he made lingered in my mind constantly, and I didn't doubt his words for a second. I was fully convinced he had been the one who framed Farlegh. If he was able to get away with that, then I was sure he'd be able to get away with harming me aswell.

I put on some jewelery for more discretion and apply more makeup on to hide my eyebags. I leave my room, only to be greeted with the sigh of Elspeth. I flinch, but gain my composure and smooth down my clothes.

"Elspeth? Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yes, dear. I was just meaning to tell you that I'd prefer if you hadn't have contact with Farleigh for the rest of the summer."

I knew that 'I'd prefer' wasn't her offering me a choice, and that it was a direct order. I nod quickly, fiddling with my fingers.

"Yeah, of course. He can't be trusted now, not after-"

"Thank you, dear. You were late for breakfast but I'm sure there will be something for you about." She says before waltzing away, her long skirt flowing behind her.

Fucking hell. Now I wasn't allowed to contact Farleigh whatsoever? Who was I to trust?

The place I used to love and anticipate going to, was slowly turning into a place I despised.

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