•T W E L V E•

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Saltburn summer parties.

It was unlike any other house party, the wide expanse of land meaning their was constantly something goin on in different areas. Elspeth had gone full out this year, especially since it was Olivers birthday.

Midsummer's night dream was the theme, and as expected, all the girls were dressed as slutty fairies.

However, I had Venitia. And I knew she'd made sure I didn't look like every other posh white girl in a mini dress and fairy wings.

The day of the party, we spent most of the time in my room, rummaging through Elspeth's old closet (with her permission, of course.) Trying to find a suitable dress for me. I had my own dresses and such, but I wanted to go full out for this party.

"God, nome of this screams you." She murmurs, flicking through hangers quickly.

"Why can't I just wear one of my dresses?"

"Because this isn't a dinner party, Cici. You have to dress somewhat promiscuously to look normal. And all of your dresses are ankle length. What are you, a nun?"

I laugh, standing up and helping her search through the other closet beside her.

"So, you planning on getting laid?" She blurts out and I have a brief moment of shock before speaking.

"No... not paticulary. But I guess you never know." I mutter, not used to discussing this type of topic with my best friends sister.

"Listen. If you were like, totally ugly, I'd get it. But your actually pretty so... I don't see why your so reluctant." She pauses, floating her hand over a dress

"Unless... there is someone specific your not telling me about?"

I freeze, straightening my back before facing her.

"Your a genius, Vee." I say sarcastically, but my eyes don't reach her face.

"You do! Oh my god, who is it?" She whispers, as if we weren't the only ones in the room.

"I'd never tell you."


"I won't."


"Okay, for fucks sake." I groan, biding my face in my hands. She squeals, grabbing my arm and pulling me close.

"Who... is it?"

"Your brother." I finally speak, going beet red at my own words.

"I fucking knew it." She states, giving me a shove before pulling a dress off the rack.

"Well, I have something to catch his eye." Her smirk gives me everything but reassurance.



Is the only thing I can say once I slip the dress over my figure.

It's gold, shimmering in the light. I can only imagine what it will look like in the night. Its silk, reaching my upper thigh. A massive dip plunges down the middle of my chest, the fabric hanging loosely by small spaghetti straps. Its backless, my brown skin on show for everyone to see. I almost felt bare, and it was extremely hard to think of a now ageing Elspeth dressed in this. That's not to say the dress is stunning, every moment I looked at I seemed to be falling in love with it more.

"It's... gorgeous." I say breathlessly, smoothing my hand down the expensive silk.

"Gold is really your colour." Venitia says, walking to the small table in the corner of the room and opening the jewelery box placed ontop of it.

H O N E Y [Felix Catton]Where stories live. Discover now