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For the next month or two, the new boy who I thought to be midly strange hadn't crossed my mind at all, and everything almost seemed normal.

All until I was face to face with him.

Me, Farleigh, Felix, and a few others had decided to go out to the pub, just for a drink or two as a celebration for completing this year's exams. It was a common practice we had whenever we had made it through the year or after a paticulary hard week.

I wasn't one to drink, not as much as Felix did anyways. You would usually find me next to him, holding a barely used cigarette in one hand and a coke in the other.

Loud laughter erupted from our table as Felix told another story, a group of girls who had tagged along with us giggling girlishly. It gave me second hand embarrassment, but I grit my teeth and said nothing as Felix continued talking. I knew Farleigh was too far into his drink to have a decent conversation with him, so for the time being I remained silent, checking the dainty watch on my wrist every now and then purely out of boredom.

I couldn't help feeling this would be so much more fun if we didn't have Felix's fan club following us wherever he went. I didn't feel wanted around the girls, they were all laced with jealousy simply for the fact I had known Felix since before we could talk. Many of them knew we weren't dating, but we're jealous anyways. The dirty looks and scoffs I got just from engaging in conversation with my best friend while they were around was sickening. It made me feel even more put to the side then I already did.

"Look, there he is! Ollie, Oliver! Come over here, mate!"

The enthusiasm in Felix's voice makes me pause and I look up, following where his eyes were pointed at to be greeted by the sight of him.

The new boy.

Well, not as new anymore. It had been months since he had joined, but he was still new in my eyes.

"Why is he calling him over?" I whisper shout at Farleigh who shrugs drunkily, taking a sip out his glass.

"Something about a flat tire. A bike or like... oh wait maybe it was a car."

As I had mentioned, no decent conversation will come out of a drunken Farleigh.

Oliver, as he's apperently called, comes over to our table awkwardly. Everyone stares at him with puzzled expressions except for Felix, who looks more then happy to bump into his apperent acquaintance.

Since when did they meet? Why hadn't Felix told me? Felix tells me about everyone he meets.

I shake off my thoughts quickly. It would be petty of me to assume Felix tells me about everyone he knows.

"This is my fucking hero, right here! I was just telling everyone how you saved my arse yesterday."

Things are starting to make sense now. Felix had a flat tire, Oliver helped him. I see.

I take a drag of my cigarette, eyes still fixed on Oliver, who fidgeted nervously in his spot.

"So cute! Aw!" I hear india coo. India is one of felix's many fangirls, except she had been lucky enough to be a fuck buddy for Felix when he was bored. I was never a fan of India. She was more two-faced then a coin and was just about as emotive as one aswell. The only time she expressed actual positive emotion was when she was fawning over Felix or talking about the new bag she had bought.

I'm silently praying Felix has the common sense to not invite him over. It might seem cruel of me, but I was already dying of boredom as it was. I didn't want Oliver to come and drag on the amount of time we were all going to spend here. Knowing Felix, he would hold a conversation with the boy for hours.

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