•S E V E N•

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I'm not usually a very chatty person, that was more Felix's role. He had always been a social butterfly, making friends with everyone he meets. I was more prone to stay by his side, observing silently.

But today, I can say was the most quiet I had been for a good while.

I was afraid if I did talk, I would end up blurting something out about last night. And I didn't want that. I wanted to forget it ever happened.

Oliver in question, hadn't met my eyes once throughout the day. He was happy to chirp along in discussion, but wouldn't let his eyes drift to me. Even when Felix's arm found its way over my shoulders, he didn't even give me as much as a glance.

I don't know what I was suspecting. For him to pull me aside, explain everything and tell me it was one massive misunderstanding. But I think Oliver knew there was no excuse for what I saw. What I had witnessed.

I couldn't make sense of it all. I don't know why I was surprised, I mean, someone who used to hang out with Michael Gavey is bound to be a fucking weirdo. However this wasn't just abit weird, it was full on disturbing.

The hours felt like years, the day slowly dragging on until it was finally nighttime. I was ready to go to bed and drift away into a land where it didn't involve Oliver Quick, but Farleigh has other plans.

"Please ci, don't be a bore. You've been sulking all day, for once in your life have abit of fun, yeah?" He gives me a smug grin and I groan, letting him tug me away to his room.

"I'm not smoking weed with you, Farleigh."

"Well it's either that or you babysit me while I do." He chuckles, and I grimace. He opens the door to his room, shutting and locking it swiftly.

"Right, well you should open a window at the least. The maid will think you've had Bob Marley round." I roll my eyes, walking up to his window and opening it quickly.

"How did you manage to even get that in? The maids search your bags."

"I have my ways."

"Of course you do." I mutter, rubbing my forehead.

I take a spot opposite him on the bed as he sparks up the blunt, taking a large pull before blowing it out. I watch it float up towards the ceiling, clouds of smoke curling around the light.

He passes it to me and after juggling the idea in my head, I take it with hesitance, allowing myself a small toke.

"So, have you sorted out your situation?"

"What situation?" I reply cluelessly.

"Your oliver-stealing-your-bestfriend situation."

The mention of Oliver makes me clench my teeth, but I compose myself before answering.

"I don't care about Oliver. Felix can talk to who he wants."

"It doesn't seem like that."

I tilt my head back in aggravation before looking back at Farleigh.

"What minor irrelevant detail have you spotted and blown out of proportion now?"

He smirks, blunt in-between his fingers as he raises it to his lips while speaking.

"It's your eyes that give it away. Evertime you see Felix with Oliver, you look like you want to rip off that awkward but pitiful look he has on his face."

I give him a 'are you kidding me' look, mostly for the fact he was able to pick up on things I didn't even realise myself.

"Well, he's My best friend."

"He's mine too! You don't see me killing Oliver with my death glare." He retorts and I groan, stretching my arms out.

"Okay, you've made your point. I'm jealous of Oliver. Can I go now?"

"Not until you tell me why you were all moody today."

My stomach drops and I stare at him like a deer in headlights.

"What are you talking about?"

"You didn't say a single word today. You didn't even get all squirmy and sheepish when Felix put his arm round you, which you always do because your such a frigid bitch." He teases, but I'm still stuck trying to think of an alternative excuse.

Can I trust Farleigh? I have known him just as long as I've known Felix. But then again, what would he say? Would he believe me?

I gulp, looking over at him before finally deciding to spit it out.

"Listen, Farleigh. You can't tell anyone about this. I mean, it makes me sick to my stomach, But I know I can trust you and-"

It's only when I look at him directly that I notice he's not paying attention to a word I'm saying, instead he's staring out the window with a shocked smirk on his face.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" I say angrily.

"You stupid little boy." He says, shaking his head slowly.

I frown in confusion, turning my body to face the window.

Are you fucking kidding me, Venetia?

Her lips are merged with another's, a very familiar silhouette running it's hand down Vee's chest and up her night gown.

"For fucks sake!" I say loudly, as if she could hear me.

"Damn, looks like we're going to have another eddie moment." Farleigh sneers.

By an eddie moment, Farleigh means when Felix had brought a boy round last summer who had continued to get with Venitia and make everything awkward for the whole of summer break between all of us until he eventually left.

"He is such a fucking weirdo." I mutter, shaking my head as even more thoughts run through my head.

Was he just obsessed with everyone in the Catton family? He'd be after Farleigh next if he carried on. What I witnessed in the bathroom, could easily be me misreading a situation (despite all the obvious red flags around it). But this was downright proof how totally freaky Oliver Quick is.

"Are we telling felix?"

"Is that even a question, Farleigh? We can't just not tell him. Oliver is snogging his sister outside in the courtyard, for fucks sake."

"Knew you'd want to get rid of him." He chuckles, toking on the last of his blunt, eyes now watery and red. I felt my own head getting light as it settles in.

"I just had a bad feeling about him. And it turns out I was right, as I usually am compared to you two." I mumble, walking over to the window and shutting the blinds.

"Goodnight, Farleigh."

"Goodnight, cici."

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