•N I N E•

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Another one of Elspeth's eccentric gatherings is in place, and this one might be the most brain rotting of all.

No one I know is here except for the odd amount of 'Henry's', and ontop of that everyone is now pissed and singing on the karaoke.

They should use drunk, singing rich people as a torture method because this is on the verge of making my ears bleed.

My legs are splayed over Felix's lap on the sofa, ventis by his side and Oliver on the side of me. I don't like how close he is to me, and I try to make an excuse to distance myself from the bath-sipping-weirdo next to me.

"Fuck this, I'm getting a drink." I groan, rising from my seat and stretching my body the best I could in the strapless dress that adorned my figure.

"Me too." Ventia says, tugging my arm away.

"Me three." I hear Felix say, leaving Oliver with Farleigh.

I grab one of the wine glasses, pouring a heavy amount of red in it and gulping it greedily.

"Slow down there." I hear Felix say. I can tell he's smirking without even looking at me.

"Does Elspeth even like any of these people?" I say, leaning against him lazily.

"Not really, but we must keep up with appearances, isn't that right?" I hear Venetia slur, three glasses of wine already down her.

"Something like that." Felix mumbles, taking my glass and taking a sip.

I notice Oliver talking to Farleigh, and I instantly have a bad feeling about how close their faces were to eachother. Farleigh knew better, though. I had some sort of faith he wouldn't fall for Oliver's flattery.

Farleigh backs away, standing up and snatching the mic out if one of the Henry's hands. Thank fuck.

It's only when 'rent' by The Pet Shop Boys start playing, do I realise what Farleigh was up to. And Oliver is ignorant, taking the mic and singing along.

Felix and Venitia cheer him along, and I smirk, downing the rest of my glass.

As the sing continues, the cheers start to quieten. I think everyone is starting to realise what Farleigh was up to here.

"I love you... you pay my rent."

That has to be the most sinister thing Farleigh has managed to pull off.

And it's absoloutley hilarious.

"You tell 'em!" Farleigh cheers, a mischievous grin on his face. He looks over at me, and we share a knowing glance.

"Farleigh!" Felix exclaims, obviously unimpressed by Farleigh's choice of song.

We all know what it meant, and now Oliver had caught on.

"This is your song as well, Farleigh. Come finish it?" Oliver says curtly and I laugh, hiding it with my hand.

"Don't encourage it." Felix murmurs to me and I quiet down, but the smirk is still plastered on my face.

Farleigh is quick to grab the mic, not a shame in the world as he sings the lyrics. Olivers attempt at getting back at him has failed, and you can see the disdain on his face.

I love it.


Felix paces around his room, obviously infuriated by Farleigh's performance. I'm sitting on his bed watching him.

"I mean, it was so out of order. Why would he do that? So humiliating for Oliver." He rants and I internally groan, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Don't you think humiliation is like... exactly what Oliver deserves right now?"

"What do you mean?" He says, coming to a standstill.

"Well, he did make out with your sister. Which you seemed to have blew over pretty fast." I scoff, running a hand through my curls.

"Because it didn't happen!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I say. Could he be any more ridiculous? I saw it with my own eyes.

"You and Farleigh got it all wrong. Venetia came onto Oliver, and then Oliver backed off."

"Your kidding me, right? Like your actually joking?" I say, a baffled expression on my face.

"No. You two exaggerated the whole story. I mean, Farleigh is Farleigh. But you- cici - I expected better from you."

It's as if he's telling off a little child. It's so aggravating, how he actually believes anything that comes out of Oliver's mouth.

"We watched it happen! And it wasn't just a quick peck, Felix. He had his hand underneath her night gown, so how do you explain that, hm?" I say loudly, the anger leaking through my words.

"Well, that's not what he said."

"And you believe him?"

"Yes actually, yes I do."

I press my lips together.Felix genuinely believed Oliver over me?

"Well that just proves where your priorities lie, doesn't it?" I say, rising from my place on his bed and moving over to his door.

"Wait. Ci, please-"

"No, it's obvious who you believe more in this situation. And the fact that it's not your own family and the girl you've known since before you could read, is ridiculous. Goodnight, Felix."

I walk out and shut the door, tears stinging my eyes as I rush back to my room.

I had never scolded Felix like that before. Sure we had argued over silly things. What movie to watch, wether Oasis was better then Blur (still a reoccurring debate, mind you). But this topped it all. And all because of that stupid boy. That fucking creep, that Felix still insisted on siding with.

I waltz into my room, shutting the door. But before I can react, I'm being pushed against it, two arms caging me by pressing their hands against my arms.

Fucking Oliver Quick.

"Oliver, if you don't get your hands off me right now, I will cut them off." I say furiously, trying to squirm out of his grip but it only tightened.

"I know you saw."

"Yeah, no fucking kidding. You fucking pervert." I spit. His face isn't visible, no light coming from out my window. Only making the situation more terrifying.

He quickly moves his hand and grips it around my neck. My throat closes, and I try to punch his arm away, but it doesn't work.

"If you ever tell anyone what you saw, I will kill you. Okay? I will fucking hurt you, cecilia."

I let out a choked sob, trying to catch my breath but failing.

"I can promise you now, Felix will never look at you the same if you tell him what you saw.  You think he's going to side with you? His jealous, lovestruck best friend? You will never have your way as long as I'm here."

Tears are falling down my face and onto his hand, and my lungs are burning. There's not alot of air getting to them, and I feel my heart thudding through my chest the tighter he squeezes.

"Fuck. You." I choke out, my eyes boring into his, which were barely visible in the dark.

"Just remember where you stand. Alright, love?" The sincerity in his voice differs from the threat he just gave me. He pulls me forward, and I crash down onto the floor. He walks out the room, shutting the door on his way out.

I gasp for air, putting myself up on my hands and knees as I cough furiously.

I place a hand around my throat, it's sore to the touch.

What the fuck just happened?

H O N E Y [Felix Catton]Where stories live. Discover now