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She's a girl who is so hard on herself.
She is her biggest bully.
Her biggest hater.
She feels like a failure no matter how much she succeeds.
She feels unlovable, disliked, unwanted.
She looks in the mirror and hates everything she sees. Her nose is too big. Her hair doesn't flow right. Her thighs too large, her waist not thin enough. She is her own demon.
She feels not good enough.
She's making herself ill trying to hit perfection.
All she needs is that one, "I'm proud of you"
Little does she know she is one of the strongest people her friends have met.
Little does she know the fact she is alive is a success.
She has succeeded so much after what she has been through; she is no failure.
She has been picked apart, thrown down, burned, thrown away, and she is still here. She is strong, fearless, she is not weak. Little does she know she inspires those around her. Little does she know she has made a difference.
She's her biggest darkness but she's others brightest star.
She wants to give up. She feels as though the fight is over, she has lost.
She needs help. She needs that, "I'm proud of you"
The, " you're not a failure"
"You're strong"
My darling you are.
My love know it, believe it. You have overcame so much don't give up now. We believe in you. You're stronger than you think.
She is her biggest doubter, she will over come this battle, she will win this war.


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