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They say time heals
But time doesn't heal it just slowly makes it all go further away
A wise person told me that
I've struggled for as long as I can remember
With body image
Self love
I've struggled
I've tried every coping mechanism
Stimulants, dopamines, people
How do you make the pain go away, the trauma fade, the smiles become real?
How do you become happy?
Time doesn't heal, it takes effort to heal what's been broken.
It takes forgiveness
It takes finding the right people to surround yourself with
It takes hope
Time doesn't heal, you heal
You have to pick yourself up and fight
Fight to be better
I've been fighting for as long as I can remember
Time hasn't healed me
I've healed me
I did the work
I found happiness
I found my hope
I followed my dreams
Time doesn't heal, it just makes them go further away
I'm still fighting
I'm still trying to heal, I still have traumas, broken pieces I'm trying to put back together
But at least I'm trying
Time isn't healing me, I'm healing me


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