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I think I was happy once
There's an age I always think of
The age always come to mind
Age 5
I was a kid
There was no anxiety, depression, ptsd, no sleep disorders, no eating disorders, no abuse, no candy pill attempts, no self harm, nothing
I was happy
I knew of pain but I never truly felt it
That came the years after
Age 5 was the last time I remember smiling and truly meaning it
I had my mother
Things seemed so simple then
I was happy once
I didn't have all these issues
Risk of kidney failure because of my candy pill attempts
Eating disorder from feeling not enough
Scars on my body representing the pain I've endured
Ptsd from the abuse, trauma, and my overall past 15 years of life
Panic attacks from my anxiety
Medication for my mood disorder and depression
I was happy once
When I was 5
When things were simpler
When I didn't know better

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