Are you in the breeze that sways my heart?

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Fortunately  tomorrow is Friday, the weekend. Taehyung didn’t have to go to his part time job or University . Though he had to go to the bar for his extra job. But that's in night time and maybe his ankle will get better till then. He sighed as he entered the hell called house not without limping.

"Why are you limping hyung?" His step brother asked with concern.

Taehyung got startled as he heard the voice from the living room. He just wanted to reach his room without any unwanted attention or trouble. But he knew he would have to answer that question though it would be lie like every fucking time. He Couldn't concern the blue haired boy, the only one he considered his family.

"I fell from the stairs baby." Taehyung gave him a fake smile.

"Again? Hyung this is the 4th time in this month. Are you sure you fell from stairs or you are lying to me? Did they do something stupid to you?" The boy asked his hyung while walking to him.

"No baby they didn’t. And why are you still awake hm. You aren’t going to sleep?  It's already late." Taehyung kept his hand on his brother head.

"I was waiting for you. It's been so long that I could see you. You always leave the home early and come back late at night. We barely talk. I know they are not good to you. But I am here hyung. You can talk to me please."

" don't have to be bothered about me baby. Hyung will be alright. It's just I'm not so good or useful for them. And I just hope they will at least care about you. I don't want you to b....." Taehyung couldn’t complete his sentence as Yeonjun hugged him.

The boy was crying by now. He Couldn't see his hyung so miserable.  True that he didn’t know about the beating as Taehyung didn’t ever mention that or let the matter come in front of him. But Yeonjun knew his parents were not good to his hyung and he knew they didn’t share same parents or blood. But he still loved his hyung like his own brother.

"Hyung I wish I could give you whatever you want. I promise you I will try to make you happy as long as you take care of yourself. And please tell me if something is wrong in your life in any time,yeah?" They boy said still hugging his hyung.

"Yeah, yeah my big baby. Now just go to sleep. You have to take your tuition tomorrow.  Don't you?" Taehyung chuckled to his brother

"Um.  Going. You too. Please take rest and take care of your leg. " He pulled back from the hug and started to walk off to his room.

Taehyung sighed. He was a bit happy.  Though he was hurt, his inside is being warmed up.  He had tears in his eyes.  There was still a few people that cared about him. Maybe that's why he wanted to live a bit more. For himself to be happy this occasionally maybe.

'Who knows what future is holding anyway! A miracle or more misery??'
Jimin was worried about his new friend.  Yeah, . friend. He didn’t want to take his feelings guaranteed. No doubt he had trust issues with himself. But in any way he cared about Taehyung.  Though he knew his heart is stirring a lot of feelings that he was a bit familiar from before and he was afraid. Afraid of messing everything up. He didn’t want to lose his friendship with Tae, no matter whatever happens.

Today's incident was bothering him a lot. Taehyung's condition was not that good and Jimin Couldn't sleep thinking about that fragile boy. There is definitely something sad about Taehyung he couldn’t point out.  But he knew, his heart knew, And he will make sure to find out. He didn’t ever care about himself. Whatever issues he had, he always handled them himself. Never bothered anyone with his depression or frustrational state. Till now he only cared about his sister. Now he had someone more to care about. And he wanted to be stronger for them. He wanted to be their shield. Whatever storm comes, he wanted to protect them. He was thinking all of these, again overthinking everything. He couldn’t settle his mind tonight. His heart and his brain was messing with him as he remembered Taehyung's hug today. It made him happy. That Taehyung trusted him, only him when he was in pain. A little smile decorated in his beautiful plump lips and his eyes were glistening with some unshed tears. That moment he startled as he heard an inner voice that said,

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