Be mine....?

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First of all, thanks to b-anne32, @Suganthi1985 and @Kaaliyahum for your supports. You guys vote for every chapter and do comment to motivate me. Thank you 💜 Let's continue our most anticipated chapter. This chapter is dedicated to you three. Are we ready!!

It was almost 7 pm in the evening. All the boys were in the balcony. There were some scented candles lighted up in every corner of the balcony. The light was very dim. The only brightest light was what the moon was providing. The silver light was glowing their skins like magic.

Jimin was looking at the moon, admiring the beauty of nature

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Jimin was looking at the moon, admiring the beauty of nature. It was like the moon was glowing differently tonight or he just never noticed the beauty of this pearl till now.

Tonight was different like the day. It was something new, something different was happening, something that was beating his heart.

Taehyung came towards Jimin. He was looking at him with his heart eyes. How can you not look at this living angel! Every feature in Jimin was so perfect and the moon was giving all his blessing on the said man. To Tae, Jimin was a moon himself. Taehyung put one of his hand on Jimin's shoulder softly.

Jimin turned to him and gave him the softest smile Taehyung had ever seen. Every time Jimin smiled, he took one part of Taehyung's heart away.

They didn't say anything. Just their eyes were talking in the most satisfied way. Jimin turned back to the moon. Taehyung kept his chin on Jimin's shoulder.

"It's so beautiful tonight. No? The moon is so pretty." Jimin whispered.

"Um....It is. But I know someone who is as beautiful as the moon is. Even more beautiful than the moon."

Jimin slightly turned to Taehyung. They were so close, Jimin suddenly remembered the kiss between them and got more shy. So he just turned back to where he was looking.

Taehyung smiled at that.

"Who is it? He might be the most luckiest person that got this beautiful view from my Tae."

"It's you..." Taehyung leaned to Jimin's ear and whispered.

Jimin's whole body was again getting hot in Taehyung's action. Why he was not being able to say No to Taehyung? It was like something illusional was attracting him to them. It's not only Taehyung, Jungkook too.

And the whole theatre scene, that was making him more nervous the whole evening. After whatever happened among the three of them, no one said anything. They just calmed themselves down and got freshen up. Of course Jungkook handled all the things very smartly. Didn't let them think about this that much.

Jimin didn't know why he was doing all these. And surprisingly, he was not ashamed or regretful for his action.
'Was it because all three of them were feeling these like him too?' He didn't know, but he was expecting more or less.

𝑰𝑵 𝑬𝑨𝑪𝑯 𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹'𝑺 𝑬𝑴𝑩𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑬𝑺 ( 𝑽𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑲𝑶𝑶𝑲)Where stories live. Discover now