Chapter 3

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All of them were singing, dancing on their seat itself and were cracking up jokes.

She got her energy too and sang until she could. She is a vibe and no one could deny that. The confidence she had was not so easily seen.

Soon they were at their hotel room and she was in sharing with Akriti. They were good friends but Akriti was more into her boyfriend and since they have been to the room, she was on call.

Saumya got out to the balcony and inhaled the fresh air of the mountain and the View...well the view is something which have the beauty of expressing peace, the air to make you feel alive. She wished to bring her sister along and she will definitely.

She held the railing and looked down at people, mostly couple's walking. She hoped that not these girls get their heart shattered into pieces like she got hers. She was in love and actually devoted herself to him but  situation didn't ended up quite well. His path was different and so was hers. She don't blame him for everything, only if she could make him understand her point of view with some politeness he would have understood her...Maybe. But that's Past.

Her chain of thoughts came to an abrupt end when the she heard a voice beside her "Hello, Yes mom the place is very soothing, You and Dad should have been here"

She couldn't see his face but his voice did sounded familiar, she get back in her room and found her partner packing her bag's.

"Where are you going?"

Akriti was grinning ear to ear "Saumya..Aaahhh" She held her shoulder "My boyfriend is here, so I will spend these holidays with him and don't let the department head to know about this...please I request you. Please Saumya"

"Okay okay..I won't because this room is all mine now"

Akriti hugged her and after packing her stuffs she left the room.

Saumya Video called her family and showed them her room and view outside. They were looking at it with awe.

"Di I want to be with you" Bhawna pouted

She smiled "Next time full family will be here" She settled on the bed

A message popped as a notification from the group to be in the lobby by 8pm for the dinner.

"Okay Mom, Dad Bhawna, I have to get ready for dinner"

"Okay beta bye"

"Bubbye Di enjoy"

Disconnecting the call she opens her bag and took out a pair of warm clothes and got ready.


"Vidul, You just didn't say that" She laughed

"I guess I did and the looks are so dangerous"

"I am moving away from you, I don't know this person" She started going away from him but he held her arm and stopped

"Please be with me, I can't handle the embarrassment alone"

So basically Vidul said his thoughts aloud about the food which is served to them at the buffet not realising that the chef was just in front of them.

"Pick up your food quick then and let's sit with the group"

They walked together towards their group and someone passed by her and their arms hit.

"Sorry" He said without turning and she frowned.

"Can't people just stop being in hurry always?" she scrunched her nose glaring at his back who is now joining his friends

"It's okay Saumya, lets go"

The plan for tomorrow spoken up, that at what time we should be there and leave the hotel.

They depart back to their rooms to rest as it was a long journey of 14 hours so for them it was important to rest.

She dropped herself on the bed and was slowly consuming to sleep but then...A loud banger from the room beside her disturbed her sleep.

Placing a pillow on her ears she tried to sleep but the group of boys started singing. She tried to sleep and it was one hour that she was trying but now she was filled with anger and also more because she need sleep badly.

She got up from her bed and got out from her room wearing slipper's. She banged on the door which was creating loud noise.

No one opened and she again banged the door "Excuse me!"

She continuously hit the door and the music stopped. She moved back when she heard a click voice. A Very handsome boy opened the door.


She put her concentration on what she wanted to speak rather than his face and physique "You have been playing the songs?"


"Please, can you stop that? Because I am trying to sleep in my room" She tried to be calm but was unable too.

"Who is it Himanshu?" Came a voice behind the handsome boy and as Himanshu turns slightly and Both of them face each other getting shocked.

"Tum? (You??)" She points out and under his breath he said "Not again!" He sighed

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