Chapter 12

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He is walking in his room and Himanshu is watching his friend getting restless.

"Sit down Vikrant"

"Is this right?"


"Me giving her gift?"

"Why not until or unless you are not giving anything like Condom or a Toy!"

His nose flared at this reply.

He chuckled "Sorry sorry but why are you thinking so much? Give the gift as a memory of you simple"

He sits beside him "Bro"

"Yes bro"

"What if this time also I do something"

"Hunh? What will you do?"

"I mean there have been so many encounters where I have put her into problems so I am just worried that even this time something would happen"

Himanshu nods slowly "Then do one thing"


"Don't go and meet her. Simple. Drop the last opportunity of meeting her"

He clicks his tongue and sigh.

She gets ready and everyone is calling her continuously as she is getting late while everyone is waiting for her.

Dragging her bag out she looks at the door beside her. She can't go without meeting him. Knocking on his door she waits. She knocks again but no one opens the door.

Turning around she waits for the lift. Looking back at his door again she gets in the elevator again with a sinking heart. Pressing the ground floor button the door was about to open but a hand stops it from closing.

He got in the lift right infront of her and she was smiling inside and feeling happy all of a sudden.

The door closes behind them and he clicks all buttons of the floor to get extra time with her which made her feel intimate.

He stood close to her and she was looking at him but he wasn't.

"I brought this for you" He hands him the gift and she takes it.

"Anything else?" She asked and he looked at her.

He wanted to tell her not to leave, to stay with him, to hold his hand and hug him.

"Umm are you Okay now? Did your ex disturb you again?"

She shooks her head

"If he ever disturbs you call me"

"But I don't have your number"

The door was opening and closing at each floor.

"Oh Yeah..tell me your number"

She shook her head "No"


"I will once you will start loving yourself" She smiled at him and saw that they were about to reach the ground floor.

She moved closer to him and tip toed kissing his cheek.

She moving back holding an eye contact with him. The gate was open "Bye Vikrant" she moves out and he watches her leaving and the gate closing behind.

If she wanted she could have told him about her feelings but she wants to give herself time and even him. This distance to confirm that she actually have strong feelings for him.

Getting into the bus she leaned her head on Akriti's shoulder who was also not willing to leave.

"Are you okay" Akriti asked her sensing something off


She is showing all the clothes and staff she had brought from the trip but one of the shawls are missing which she brought for a colleague of hers. She frowned and looked through the bag.

"What happened di?"

"I brought a shawl for someone but it's not in here"

Her sister also helped her but couldn't find it.

"Maybe I left that in the hotel itself" She sighed


"Ab nothing. I will say sorry to her"

They got in her room and Bhawna sat beside her "How was your trip in all"

"It was good"

She smiled "Di I can see you are thinking about something. Tell, let it out"

She sigh and fold her leg and sit properly on bed and Her sister copied her.

"During this whole trip there was a boy...With whom had both, good and bad encounters and in these encounters I don't when I started developing feelings for him. I am scared, scared that if he would also be like Mokshit. Not ready for commitment for life?"

Bhawna holds her hand "Di, you are mature enough to understand this now. During Mokshit you were emotionally very much into him and it was him who liked the idea of having a girlfriend who played with your feelings di"

"How do you know Aryan is the one for you? I mean how did you got to know that even he loves you?"

She took a light breath from her mouth "Di, It's not just the eyes which express love but also the efforts of the person for you, not because they want to show it to you but because they want to do it to make you comfortable, safe and happy. It's the little respectful gesture's. Butterflies...Yes We feel butterflies when close when you feel them when they are far away from you and you feel their gaze and you and the smiles. And in the end, It's the heart which makes you feel calm with them"

Saumya heard her out clearly and was happy also the way her sister has found a gentleman for herself who loves her alot.

"Oh I forgot" She took out the gift he gave her "he gave me this"

"Open it na di"

There was a small mutri of shiv ji and parvati ji.

"This is so nice" said Bhawna

"I want to know his name now"

"His name Vikrant have met him"

"I have met him? When?"

"The one who injured my Jaan"

"What?" Her eyes go wide and shock and Saumya laughed

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